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Sydneyy316's mcsg story


Aug 14, 2013
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Okay hi most of you know me as Beyoncè or Sydneyy316 and yesterday was my one year anniversary on the forums and I think that this is a appropriate time to share my mcsg story! Its probably going to be long but I will try and keep it as short as possible. Here goes nothing

So when I was in 7th grade (last year) I had my hunger games obsession, I feel like everyone had this at one point in their life but I loved it. One day my whole family was at my grandparents house and I don't exactly remember why but we all were. I hadn't seen my cousin Jeff in a long time so we hung out and he knew how obsessed I was with hunger games so he said he had to show me something on his computer. So I followed him to his computer and it was minecraft. I immediately said no minecraft is for boys and its dumb. He asked me to just give it a try, so I did. It was minecraft but hunger games style. I had never played minecraft before so I having trouble even moving but I knew I loved it. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world that I could join and talk to other people who shared the same obsession. So I went home and talked to my dad and he bought me a minecraft account. I remember my first single player world just trying to figure everything out. I think a couple days later I called Jeff on Skype and he showed me this server called aton I think? I don't remember much from the server but I think it was factions? I was so obsessed with this server everyday after school I would join and play with Jeff. I forgot about mcsg during this time. After about a month on the server (I think) I was banned. I don't remember why but I'm glad I was. After I was banned I asked Jeff for the ip to "that hunger games game" and started playing nonstop. I knew a lot more about mine craft at this point so I loved playing. Jeff and I really didn't talk after I was banned so I knew I had to find someone new to play with. I remember being in games and always seeing people typing "Skype team say 123!!" and being really confused because in my family we used Skype to talk to relatives who lived far away. So I asked, "whats Skype team?" and someone told me that you can talk to people who are in your game on Skype while playing together. So I added someone to my personal family Skype and we skyped. I remember being so excited that I had a friend over the internet. I don't remember this person because we only talked once. My mom found out after we talked that one time and I got my computer taken away for talking to strangers. That was in april of 2013. I was so upset. But after a few weeks i forgot about it. I was going to new york city for the weekend and I was so excited. While in NYC i saw a lot of minecraft stuff and remembered how much fun i had playing. When i got home from the trip i had my computer. (It was now early May) I knew i wanted to keep playing the game and still "Skype team with people" so i made a new Skype. One my parents didn't know about and i knew they couldn't find out or i would get into a lot of trouble so i was very secretive about it. I was always adding people and skyping with them. I loved it. I didn't have many friends in school so it was nice to be able to come home and talk to my friends. One day when i "Skype teamed" with someone we played mcsg all night. It was a friday night so i stayed up pretty late talking to her. Her name was Andrea. Andrea lived in California and I live in Pennsylvania so the time difference was a little hard. I knew I didn't just want to talk to her once and never talk to her again. So we talked all weekend. She introduced me to this youtuber Joey Graceffa. Im sure you all know Joey and how he would upload mcsg videos but me and andrea were obsessed we would call everyday and watch his videos. Andrea and I both really sucked at pvp so we found this server called roxbot. Andrea and I made so many friends from this server. But there was this boy named Derek that we talked to a lot. It was like the 3 of us were best friends we talked everyday. I loved talking to them they always made me laugh and we would stay up all night playing mcsg and roxbot i had so much fun. One day idk why but neither of them could come on. So i went on roxbot like i did everyday and started to talk to someone named ThappleTree aka sam. Sam and I skyped later that night with his friend ghassan and i recognized their igns so it was cool i was happy to make more friends. The next day (i think) when andrea and derek came back we all skyped. We would play mcsg all night long. School ended for me at this point so i stayed up really late every night. I talked to andrea and derek for a few months now but we were drifting. We kinda stopped talking and i would talk to sam and ghassan everyday. I talked to them basically all day all summer long. So i think the beginning of july (i could be wrong) sam introduced me to catonapoptart. I knew her name from Joeys videos and freaked out. I was so excited and i fangirled a lot. He then introduced me to Zaex , Henry and billyguy1 . We played mcsg with those 4 a lot but we never really skyped. So fast forward to august, ghassan and i didn't talk as much but i still skyped with sam everyday. I had known for months that sam wanted to be mod but didn't know anything about staff or anything i was very dumb when it came to things like that. So around this time last august sam told me he had put a mod app in. I knew about the forums but never bothered to make a account. So when sam told me that i thought that meant that he got mod. I then made my forums account, found sams profile and (pretty sure this was my first post) posted "congrats on mod!" or something like that. When sam told me he wasn't mod i was really embarrassed. Then when i found out he didn't get mod at all i felt bad. After that all happened i loved the forums. i loved being able to interact with others outside of the game to Skype i just loved it. Fast forward to i think november? of 2013. Sam and I kind of drifted apart and he kind of left the internet for a while. I still talked to zane. henry, billy and macy and we still played mcsg. But i think it was early december 2013 i saw that billy had made a thread titled "Casual MCSGers". I knew that there were clans but i was never interested in them. I clicked on the thread and saw that Macy, Billy and Zane were all in this clan. I talked to billy or zane (i don't remember) about being in it and i was told that i didn't have enough wins lmao. I think i had like 10 wins i suck at pvp xD. i didn't care that i couldn't join. But one night i saw a lot of posts about hearing billy's voice. i didn't really know the people who were posting them but i was so jealous. i commented and said that i wanted to talk to them. i don't really remember anything else from that night but the next day i was added to a group chat on Skype. In the chat was Beardy Brownieee TheManeEvent Claps Mlpoknzaba billyguy1 Cat_On_A_Poptart TheMangoTiger Pixelatorx2 and Zaex the one who added me. I only knew macy, billy and zane but i was happy to be added. I grew to know these people and i can proudly say they're my best friends. We have had our ups and downs in that chat but i love them all to death. So a little later in december i started to watch ThatOneTomahawk everyday and began to watch the cube smp and everyone involved. i knew a lot of them used twitter to interact with fans so i started to use my twitter and followed a lot of people from the community. i soon began to realize that a lot of people from the mcsg community have twitter and there is kind of this little "twitter mcsg community". I soon became apart of this little community and have met some great people because of it. I met my best friend mad from this twitter community in late december. fast forward to valentines day, i met this couple from the twitter community by the names of "sydney and tristan". We soon skyped later that night and joined the mine forever server. Sydney saw one of her friends on the server by the name of knifeinthebutter and i was like oh who is that sydney? and she told me how they were great friends and stuff. later that night when i got off of Skype i saw that he had followed me on twitter. We started to talk over twitter dm and we became good friends. ryan, mad and i all would Skype every night and we were best friends. now fast forward to now, august 16th 2014. I am still best friends with all of the casual mcsgers and I'm very proud to say that we still all talk everyday. I still am also best friends with mad and ryan. i still play mcsg a lot and still love it.

I would just like to thank everyone for being such amazing friends to me. I have met some of my best friend because of a block game and that just amazes me and I'm so happy with it.

Thapple - We have had our ups and downs but you were one of my first friends on mcsg and i love you to death. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Henry - I miss and love you so much henry. you were like a little brother to me i miss talking and playing mcsg with you everyday. thank you for being suck a great friend <3

Cat_On_A_Poptart - You never fail to make me laugh and you're on of the nicest people i know. I love you so much macy. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Zaex - you are absolutely one of my best friends. idk what i would do without you. we have had our ups and downs but i still love talking and playing mcsg with you. i love you so much zane. thank you for being such a great friend <3

billyguy1 - you are so funny and chill and one of the sweetest people i know. you're always there for me when i need you and i love you for that. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Claps - even though you don't use the forums anymore you still deserve to be mentioned, we have had our ups and downs but I'm really glad we are friends. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Brownieee - you are so freaking pretty and i love you sooo much. you're the one who understand me in the group and i love you for that. you and billy are my otp. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Beardy - you don't come on as much as you used to but you are a great friend and i love you for that. thank you for being such a great friend <3

TheManeEvent - you're like a little brother to me even though we are the same age but i love when you come to me for advice on girls. i love you calvin. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Mlpoknzaba - you are one of the sweetest and nicest people i know. you never fail to make me smile. i love you babe <3 thank you for being such a great friend <3

TheMangoTiger - i love obsessing over boy bands with you and talking about random stuff. i love you. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Pixelatorx2 - i love debating over dumb stuff with you even though you make me mad a lot i still love you a lot. thanks for being such a great friend <3

knifeinthebutter - you are one of my best friends and i can't thank you enough for always being there for me. we have gone through a lot but i love you. thank you for being such a great friend <3

Thats pretty much it. Ive made a lot of friends and have lost a few friends because of this game. Either way i have had an amazing experience with mcsg and i hope that it continues. thanks for reading! :)
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Great story, Sydney! Thanks for being an amazing friend for this entire time I've known you<3 Congrats on one year!!! :D

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