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Survival Games Tips

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Dec 26, 2012
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Brief Introduction
Hey, I'm Oblift, number 35 on the AU leaderboards and I've just decided to create a detailed guide on small tips that has gotten me out of big trouble. Excuse my horrid grammar as English is not my first language. Hope this guide will help you in your future gameplay and enjoy:
Optifine Mod
This mod increases your FPS by 100 to 200 percent, allows you to zoom in with the Ctrl key and more!

1. Blocking w/ your Sword
Blocking hitting has allowed me to win numerous times against a same or stronger opponent in a 1 versus 1 fight.
Q. Why block?
A. Blocking deducts HALF the damage you were supposed to be taking. Say this: You're in a situation where you're about to fight a person 1 on 1 when he has a Iron Sword and you have a Stone Sword. If you're constantly blocking his attacks, you would be getting the damage approximately of a WOODEN Sword.
Q. Wouldn't constantly attacking deal more damage than wasting my time blocking?
A. No. This is because not every one of your sword swings on your opponent do damage. After hitting a person, they will flash red, during that time they are invincible, meaning you cannot do anything to them, so why not block and deduct half their counterattack damage instead?
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to block?
A. A good idea to block is when you're fighting an enemy which weapons/armor is about the same or stronger than yours. A bad timing to block is when you're fighting someone with much weaker weapons/armor than you, this is because you won't be needing to deduct half the damage if you're using a Iron Sword and they're just slapping you with a beef or Wooden Axe. Another bad time to block is when they aren't reacting, like when you're ambushing someone who's opening a chest, only start blocking when he starts reacting.

2. Ambushing
Coming from behind and catching someone off guard is possibly one of the best ways to kill a stronger enemy.
Q. Why ambush?
A. Catching someone off guard allows you to get an extra few hits on him before he has the time to react, giving you a extreme advantage over him when he starts fighting back. This has allowed me to kill a person with a Diamond Sword with just a Stone Sword once.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to ambush someone?
A. It is a definite good idea to ambush someone when they're opening a chest, crafting, in their inventory and when they're not looking at you.

3. Be aware of your Surroundings
Always look around you to counteract any ambushes.
Q. Why be aware of my surroundings?
A. This is so you can escape or even counteract a ambushing predator. You can counteract the ambushing predator by acting as if you didn't see them and just continue casually walking and suddenly BAM! You whip out your Iron Sword before their very eyes and teach them a good lesson on sneaking up on you.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to be aware of my surroundings?
A. It's always a good time to be aware of your surroundings, when would you ever want to let your guard down?

4. Using F5 to your Advantage
Clicking F5 or if on some Macs FN + F5 changes your POV to Thirdperson. Clicking it twice will reverse the angle of the Thirdperson, allowing you to see the behind of yourself.
(POV stands for Point of View)
Q. Why use F5?
A. F5 allows you to have a view of your chasing opponents without stopping and looking back, check if anyone's also going your chest route and is a great counteracting tool for ambushes.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to switch POVs?
A. It is a good idea to change POVs when you're walking through a long straight road without any obstacles as in reverse thirdperson you cannot see any obstacles in front of you. A bad idea is when you're going through a place with blocks incoming, because you'll have to predict and most likely fail to jump over/on to blocks, causing chasing targets to gain more distance between you and him.

5. Flint and Steel
If you manage to catch someone on fire, they get an extreme disadvantage. Create Flint and Steel(s) with only spare Flint and Iron, I would never suggest crafting Flint and Steel over Arrows or an Iron Sword.
Q. Why use Flint and Steel?
A. Flint and Steel can partly blind the enemies view, damage them over time and the damage pushes them down to the ground when they try to jump. Additionally, they only require 1 Flint and 1 Iron to craft.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to use Flint and Steel?
A.It's a good time to use Flint and Steel when you're escaping through a 1-3 block wide corridor as it narrows the chance of the predator(s) not getting hit by the fire. Another good time to use the Flint and Steel is when they're close to you. When they get close, whip out your good ol' Flint and Steel and light the block right in front of your chasing predators. This will cause them to either run left or right, granting you more time to escape or get hit by the fire, disabling them to sprint-jump, giving you a advantage of being faster.
Tip: You can light the blocks where people spawn on, use this as a advantage when it hits the 15 second mark before deathmatch, light the spawn block of where your opponent(s) spawns on and your enemy will teleport right into a burning flame.

6. Hitting from Below
The hitbox of a player is longer below than on top, meaning if you hit from below, your opponent cannot hit you.
Q. Why hit from below?
A. Hitting from below means you can hit him when he can't hit you, it's like you're hacking...but you're not!
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to hit my opponent from below?
A.It is always a good idea to hit your opponent from below, it gives you possibly the most unfair advantage in a fight. Most of the time this strategy is used in water fights.
*cough* Breeze Island *cough*
Feel free to ask any questions below in the comments section, I will respond to it ASAP and update the guide with the question and answer. You may also suggest more tips as I will add them onto the guide and give credit to you most importantly!


Feb 4, 2013
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I didn't know block-hitting was that useful. :)


Dec 26, 2012
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7. Food and Hunger
Minecraft has a huge variety of food but using them efficiently is key, remembering which heals how many hunger bars is the door. The following is a chart about what you need to know in MCSG with food.

Food : Hunger : Special Effects
Raw Chicken : 1 : 0:30 Hunger (30% chance)
Fish : 1 : None
Cookie : 1 : None
Raw Porkchop : 1 and 1/2 : None
Raw Beef : 1 and 1/2 : None
Apple : 2 : None
Carrot : 2 : None
Rotten Flesh : 2 : 0:30 Hunger (80% chance)
Golden Apple (Golden Nuggets) : 2 : 0:05 Regeneration (100% chance)
Bread : 2 and 1/2 : None
Cooked Fish: 2 and 1/2 : None
Mushroom Stew : 3 : None
Cooked Chicken : 3 : None
Cooked Porkchop : 4 : None
Steak : 4 : None

Q. Why use food efficiently?
A. You'll want to use food efficiently so you don't waste a Cooked Porkchop just to heal half a hunger bar.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to use my food efficiently?
A. It's always a good idea to use food efficiently. The only exception to use a food that heals more hunger bars than you currently have lost is when you're really low on health and need regeneration immediately.
Feel free to ask any questions below in the comments section, I will respond to it ASAP and update the guide with the question and answer. You may also suggest more tips as I will add them onto the guide and give credit to you most importantly!


Sep 4, 2012
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4. Using F5 to your Advantage
Clicking F5 or if on some Macs FN + F5 changes your POV to Thirdperson. Clicking it twice will reverse the angle of the Thirdperson, allowing you to see the behind of yourself.
(POV stands for Point of View)
Q. Why use F5?
A. F5 allows you to have a view of your chasing opponents without stopping and looking back, check if anyone's also going your chest route and is a great counteracting tool for ambushes.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to switch POVs?
A. It is a good idea to change POVs when you're walking through a long straight road without any obstacles as in reverse thirdperson you cannot see any obstacles in front of you. A bad idea is when you're going through a place with blocks incoming, because you'll have to predict and most likely fail to jump over/on to blocks, causing chasing targets to gain more distance between you and him.
I can't f5 sadly my keyboard won't let me xD

7. Food and Hunger
Minecraft has a huge variety of food but using them efficiently is key, remembering which heals how many hunger bars is the door. The following is a chart about what you need to know in MCSG with food.

Food : Hunger : Special Effects
Raw Chicken : 1 : 0:30 Hunger (30% chance)
Fish : 1 : None
Cookie : 1 : None
Raw Porkchop : 1 and 1/2 : None
Raw Beef : 1 and 1/2 : None
Apple : 2 : None
Carrot : 2 : None
Rotten Flesh : 2 : 0:30 Hunger (80% chance)
Golden Apple (Golden Nuggets) : 2 : 0:05 Regeneration (100% chance)
Bread : 2 and 1/2 : None
Cooked Fish: 2 and 1/2 : None
Mushroom Stew : 3 : None
Cooked Chicken : 3 : None
Cooked Porkchop : 4 : None
Steak : 4 : None

Q. Why use food efficiently?
A. You'll want to use food efficiently so you don't waste a Cooked Porkchop just to heal half a hunger bar.
Q. When is it a good/bad idea to use my food efficiently?
A. It's always a good idea to use food efficiently. The only exception to use a food that heals more hunger bars than you currently have lost is when you're really low on health and need regeneration immediately.
Feel free to ask any questions below in the comments section, I will respond to it ASAP and update the guide with the question and answer. You may also suggest more tips as I will add them onto the guide and give credit to you most importantly!
Can't you edit your post?


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I beg to differ over crafting flint and steel after a sword or arrows. When I know people have better gear than me, a flint and steel is much more useful than a sword or 4 arrows. Fire is a powerful physical and psychological tool, dealing damage, reducing vision, and slowing them down.


Jan 9, 2013
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This is very descriptive, but not a lot of tips. Not professional, anyway.


Dec 4, 2012
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Hmm, what about this?
Also, when faced of against Indiana aus and his teamate Obby, it's best not to fight them unless you have a distinct advantage. But beware! Don't spend too long looking for gear, Indiana aus will soon enough get his legendary map. Gifted with the art of reading maps, indiana aus and obby will hunt you down. Within seconds, your master plan of gear hunting will be over! The scent of your flesh will just be too much for obby to resist. Don't start running, as obbys bow skills will be much for your puny flesh. Soon enough Indiana aus and His pal obby will be bathing in the loot that once belonged to you. That's my tip.
-Indiana aus
P.S i'm sorry obby. Forgive me please. <3


Oct 5, 2012
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Regarding using food efficiently
However, before the deathmatch it is good idea to eat cooked meat or bread as the food saturation will allow you to stay full longer, thus allowing you to regenerate hearts longer


Nov 2, 2012
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I beg to differ over crafting flint and steel after a sword or arrows. When I know people have better gear than me, a flint and steel is much more useful than a sword or 4 arrows. Fire is a powerful physical and psychological tool, dealing damage, reducing vision, and slowing them down.
While flint and steel is valuable, I think in v2 there is no need to craft it, you usually end up with multiple flint and steels. This could be argued back and forth, based on maps and opponents. Personally I think that being able to land an arrow or possibly two is more effective than flint and steel.

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