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Survival game tips

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Captain Falcon

Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everybody reading this. I am Captain Falcon or in minecraft PK_Trident. I am curently ranked like 86th or something like that in the mcsg. This is my first thread and i was thinking "what should my first thread be?" i decided tips to help the people who may be new or are having trouble placing a low score in the mcsg. So lets get down to it shall we?

First as you all know you start on the litte platforms that you cant move off of for 60 seconds or 1 minute till the games begin. Now i have learned that if you sprint and jump at the same time during the 10 second countdown you get a head start to the cornocopia (how ever the hell you spell it so ima call it the corn). Ok so now that you know how to get a head start here comes getting the chest. when you click on the chest in the corn you have to be quick, because chances are someone else is in the same chest. when you die you can spectate people or free roam. i recomend free roam so you can get something i like to call a run. a run is when you go on a certain route to get a bunch of chest. be warned that the corn has better stuff then the chest away from it. At night the corn refils with better stuff so at night you want to capture the corn and take everything you want. I recomend dont charge in and sneak around the edges for a few seconds. if there is a team there your screwed so get the hell away. they will split up armour and weapons so it shouldnt be too bad. go find chest with iron so you have a chance with a sword or armour (i recomend armour. you can get a diamond sword). so other than that its your minecraft fightning skills.

So to recap here it is:
-jump run and get a chest in the corn
-have a route
-get the corn at night
-have good battle skills (running is a 50 50 chance of surviving)
-and 1 last thing! dont be clumsy and commit suicide!

Good luck challengers and give me a challenge!
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