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Strategy Mumbo Jumbo


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'm bored waiting for a video to render, so I'm going to tell you how to succeed in MCSG. Oh, and you've probably heard some of these tactics 20,000 times. THESE ARE MY STRATEGIES. THERE ARE MANY LIKE THEM, BUT THESE ONES ARE MINE. WITHOUT ME, MY STRATEGIES ARE USELESS. WITHOUT MY STRATEGIES, I AM USELESS.

1. Always go for the cornucopia. Unless you know a team is going to try-hard punch you to death, run to the nearest chest (if with a team, discuss with your teammates what chest who goes after, for maximum efficiency), and take everything you can. Prioritize first any weapon, then the best armor you can grab and diamonds (I won't say whether armor or diamonds are more important, it really comes down to preference, although I personally usually go for diamonds). If you obtain a weapon, go apeshit. Kill everyone you can, especially those that have already equipped their armor. If it is armor you need and you can see in their hand or on their bodies they have it, prioritize them. Also, do not whack people at random. You will reduce your weapons durability, and you'll accomplish nothing other than pissing people off, as they will regenerate or die to someone else anyways. Single out your one man, and unless they escapes or you see somebody with infinitely more valuable gear, stick to them.

2. After leaving corn, search for as many chests as you can. The places that look more difficult to reach or are more hidden are likely tier 2, while the vast majority of the rest will be tier 1. If you have gathered sufficient gear (depending on your skill level, stone sword and 5-6 armor bars), type /i and check how much time has gone by. If it is before 16 minutes left, head to corn. When it hits 16 minutes left, chests will restock, and if you have claimed corn, you're in an ideal position to claim victory as well. However, be very wary when looting corn. Get out of your chest and do a scan (don't rush it, you need to make sure you're safe) of the surrounding area. Check all 360 degrees around you. Repeat this action every 5-10 seconds, looting the chests in between. After you have finished looting corn, hide or destroy any extra gear that a noob or straggler could take.

3. Backing up a bit, before you've looted corn. Do not think you will win be hiding. You must get the best possible gear you can, yes, even if it means engaging every other person you see. It's better to take risks to obtain the gear you need than to die in deathmatch, thus wasting all the time you spent getting to it.

4. And now back to after looting corn. This is a simple step: Go find and kill anybody you see, but be cautious. By this time in the game, the teams and well-equipped people are likely all that is left.

Now, I'm going to teach you how to murder people. This is much easier said than done. I can tell you everything to do to be successful, but it's a matter of your own timing, precision, efficiency, reaction times, execution, and overall skill. It sounds like a lot; it is. Although people, such as myself, may take it for granted we are good at PvP, it's not quite as easy to get there if you haven't been playing since alpha, like me, or aren't naturally good at picking things up in games. It may be frustrating to try these techniques, and that will be because you fail to execute these tactics. Don't expect to pick it up immediately, it may take time.

Another note about PvP: For every technique listed and others unmentioned, the better you are at combining tactics, the better they will work. For example, if you're good at fishing rod stuns, you can stun people. If you're good at sword fights, you can deal damage. However, if you are able to execute a fishing rod stun immediately before executing a barrage of sword attacks, you will be twice as effective that if you used the tactics separately. Without further delay, here are the tactics I've been talking about:

Swords and Strafing:
It may seem easy to whack somebody with a sword, but against someone who's good with a sword, you're as good as dead.

First off, if you have no idea what strafing is, it's essentially not charging straight at your opponent. In terms of bows, strafing is a bit different, but in terms of swords, it generally means to come at your opponent in an arch, whether you jump to the side, sprint to the side, or what have you. If you can do this quickly, and do it as far away as you can while staying as close to the border of hit range as possible, you're much more likely to hit without being it.

You need to keep yourself sprinting as much as possible. As soon as you come out of a "clash," back off as quickly as possible, and once you're thoughts have been quickly gathers, initiate an attack as quickly as possible.

A great tactic, although it can be difficult to accomplish against an accurate swordsman, is getting behind your opponent. An accurate swordsman would be described by one who keeps his cross-hair on you as much as possible, thus being able to hit you from further away without delay. However, if there's a brief moment of penetration, charge through, while continuing to swing, and essentially try to run past them. Once you're inside of them, make a 180 degree turn, and continue to hit them, and vuala, you're behind them, scoring yourself anywhere from one to three hits for free. Or more, if they have bad reaction times.

Fishing Rods:
Fishing rods, in my opinion, are the most important tool for PvP, aside from the sword itself. While a bow can run out of arrows, a flint and steel and break easily, the fishing rod retains it's durability for at least one fight and long after that. It's reliable, always effective (even if just the slightest bit), and for a skilled "fisherman," all it takes is one well-placed fishing rod to win a fight.

The fishing rod technique is accomplished by "stunning" your opponent by hitting them with the line of your fishing rod. It causes no actual damage, but it stops your opponent in their tracks briefly, knocks them back about one block, and puts the, in the air for a brief moment. The fishing rod technique works in two ways.

1. Fishing rod stuns slow your opponent down (Note: if in mid-jump, fishing rod stuns do not cancel sprint, although I believe they do if you're on the ground, however I'm not sure), causing a gap which you can penetrate easily to get extra hits.

2. The stun has a psychological effect as well. A charging opponent will be calculating where they're going to be when they attack you. However, when you fishing rod stun them (again, this can have to do with your opponent's reaction time), while they expect to be in one place, they're now one or two blocks behind that. It essentially causes lag of the mind, and will briefly confuse or panic your opponent. Keep in mind, this confusion or panicking's effect on your opponent will likely only last for a maximum of one short second. However, this small window is, again, all that is required to either cast your opponent into further panic, or deal more damage in the confusion.

The fishing rod's more popular and easy-to-use use is purely defensively. You will often see a panicked noob trapped in a corner spam their fishing rod at you: that's it. It isn't hard to use a fishing rod to keep your opponent at bay. They can also be used to push enemies away from you in water, or push your allies towards your opponents to kill them.

Flint and Steel:
This weapon, if used correctly, is the most overpowered weapon supplied by tier 2 chests. By simply right-clicking a block, you can effectively half-blind, 1/3d of the way kill, and cause panic in your opponent. The average fire tick of flint and steel will last for about 3 hearts of damage, which, time-wise, is far more than enough to kill an opponent. Because the fire ticks themselves have a downward knockback effect, it renders your opponent's sprint jumping useless, ultimately crippling your opponent, and allowing no escape. While your opponent is on fire, reap hell on them. It doesn't matter what weapon you have, or what armor they have. If they are on fire, there's a great chance you will be able to severely damage or kill your opponent. Of course, this has to do with your opponents skill, but if two people were to have the same skill level, and one is equipped with full iron and a diamond sword, the other full leather and a stone sword, if the full iron fella is on fire, the full leather fella can easily conquer him.

Now, I will go over strategies for executing the use of flint and steel:

1. Defensively. If you have an opponent running after you, and you have a flint and steel on your hot bar, check how close they are with use of F5, and if they're too far, feign a sprint glitch, letting them get closer but no too close, and being more likely to hit them with your fire. Once they're close enough, turn around, and place fire on the ground in front of them. There's a good chance, depending on your speed and unexpectedness of your maneuver, that you will catch your opponent in the flames, and thus be able to put a great distance between you and them, or choose to turn the fight to your favor.

2. Offensively. The most common ways people achieve an offensively-used flint and steel are these:

a) Feign fear, and run away for a moment before turning around and putting a fire in their tracks.

b) Attempting to place fire on the block they are standing on.

However, a way that I don't think I've seen used effectively, however love to do myself, is what I choose to call a hit-and-run place. This is accomplished by charging your opponent, and appear to strafe, but instead of attacking with your sword, about 75% way to sword attacking distance, place a fire in front of them and keep going. Since placing a fire doesn't cancel your sprint like hitting your opponent does, it is easy to back off or make your maneuver totally unexpected. If this is executed correctly, I can safely say you will succeed 95% of the time, against 95% of people.

Lastly, remember the fear factor fire causes in your opponent. Also keep in mind, that the damage caused by fire isn't the most important part; it is the crippling conditions it causes, assuming you are able to take advantage of them.

Bows are the second basic PvP tool, next to swords. They cause as much damage as a hit from a diamond sword, and are long ranged. The issue is, not everybody is good at using them. There is really very little I can do in the way of making you a good archer. You have to learn the "feel" of the bow, learning how much drop there is for what distance, and being able to figure it out at a moments notice. The best trick I can supply for effectively shooting a bow involves two steps:

1. Estimate how long the arrow will take to reach your opponent's distance.

2. Think to yourself: "Where will my opponent be in the time it takes to travel that distance?" Wherever you think it is, shoot there. That's all the advice I can supply in the way of bows.

If you're in trouble, whether you're about to die, need to regenerate health, or meet a teammate for assistance in your fight, you need to be able to travel as fast as possible, with your pursuer following as far behind as possible. Here are a few ways to accomplish this.

1. Cutting corners. It's a basic we should all know, but some don't. Wherever your destination is, you need to take the shortest route possible to get from point A to point B. The best way to accomplish this is hugging walls and corners, and bee-lining. If your enemy is shooting at you, I understand you can't bee-line. However, that means they're moving almost none at all, so strafing (zig-zagging, random/unpredictable movement patterns, etc.) is a valid option to escape without death by arrows.

2. Parkour. If you aren't good at parkour, this will only get you killed. However, if you can accomplish it, you are buying yourself even more time to escape and put distance between you and your pursuer. Essentially, if you haven't guessed by now, lead them to an area with tricky terrain, and if you can navigate it faster than your opponent, it is an easy way to put distance between the two of you.

Water Fights:
Water fights are annoying as hell, we can all agree. Here a few tips on how to conquer your opponent in water:

1. Getting under your opponent enables you to hit them 2-3x more than they can hit you. It is the easiest, most effective, and most simple way to win a water fight.

2. Here's a no-brainer: Bows. People in water can't move or strafe nearly as effectively as on land. Shoot them. 'Nuff said.

3. If you're with a team, have your ally behind you fishing rod you toward your opponent. It will knock you forward, and make up for the knockback caused by your own hits.

4. Here's a tricky one: self- fishing rodding. This is a relatively ineffective method, as it is difficult, and takes a while. None the less, it still gives you a slight boost towards your opponent. This action is accomplished by looking straight up, then moving your crosshair just a bit forward, cast your fishing rod, and hit yourself with it, thus knocking yourself forward. However, it can be difficult to accomplish, and since you have to wait for the fishing rod to go all the way up, then come back down, it's also a slow method.

Team Fights:
Teams can be difficult to take down. However, with the right equipment, it can be the easiest thing in the world. The most important tool for taking out a team is flint and steel. The team will likely feel very sure that they will be able to conquer you, and they won't be worried about fire. This is a fatal mistake. Lighting a teammate on fire can have a few effects:

1. Allow you to single out the individual on fire, and kill them before escaping to regenerate in preparation of the next member(s).

2. Separate the remaining teammate(s) from their flaming ally, which allows you to engage in one-on-one combat, increasing your odds of success substantially.

Whichever choice you make, they are both equally effective.

Another very important thing about fighting teams: You won't get yourself anywhere if you run in the middle of them, and deal as much damage as possible. Sure, you may take them both down to half health, but their DPS output is twice yours, and by the time you have 5 hearts on both of them, you're dead. The most important thing about team fighting is isolating one opponent before taking them on, and moving on to the next.

Another tactic involves a height advantage. A height advantages is the best thing you can have against your opponent. Whether it's 2 blocks or 24, if you have the higher ground, you have a distinct advantage. You can hit them off a high ledge, and deal severe fall damage or cause death, or hit them off a two block ledge, which allows their ally/allies to come up while they're still behind, in essence "juggling them," and individually causing more damage to them than they are to you. When you think they're low enough, feel free to dive in and KO them.

That's all I've got for you people. I hope this can help, as I just spent about two hours typing this up. If there's any particular scenario, situation, item use, or what-have-you, feel free to request that I explain it, I'd be glad to when I have a chance.

Summary: (For K259864)
Swordz r gud bowz r gud fishing rods r gud fire iz gud water iz bad teemz r bad


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
You guys don't even have to read it. You probably read the 90 other posts containing the same information over the past year.


Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Well all you people saying that you can't read all of it, you should. Its decently good advice. :p


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I killed a 3 man team that had iron armor and swords by simply using the mountains near the airfield at SG4.
Just wait for 1 to come up, knock him down, and wait for the rest to come up in single file.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
~Tries to read all of it~ Jumps out of window

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