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Strategies for Noobs and Experienced Players

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May 16, 2013
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Hey guys, NewieLordArbiter here and I am going to tell you PvP strategies that can be used to improve on what you already know. Some of the things I will be talking about include:
~The fishing rod
~The bow
~The sword
~Flint and Steel
~Golden apples
~Water fights
~Chest routes
The Fishing Rod Tactic~
One of the most used PvP tactics lately is the fishing rod tactic. The fishing rod is useful in PvP because it knocks your opponent back/stuns them. The fishing rod can be used when an enemy is running to attack you, when your opponent is turning a corner, or about to make a jump. The fishing rod tactic is hard to perfect as it requires accuracy with your stun and the ability to quickly make the switch to another weapon if needed. If you scroll with your mouse to access items in your hot bar then I would recommend either practicing a lot before using this tactic or not using it at all. If you use numbers on your keyboard to access hot bar items then this tactic will require little practice with switching to you other weapons after the stun and the same amount of practice with actually hitting your opponent.
The Bow~
Ever since the latest MCSG update the bow has become one of the most useful weapons in the game. You have a lot of arrows to shoot with and skill with the bow has become an almost mandatory thing to have. The most important way to help your bow accuracy is practice, practice, practice. One thing to look for when shooting a bow is the other person strafing (dodging). Look for the pattern in their strafe and shoot for where they're going to be. It is easier than you think once you get used to it. Another important thing to have when shooting a bow is your own strafe. Don't stand still otherwise you are an easy target for your enemy. The last tactic I use when shooting a bow is what is called a "trick shot". This strategy is employed when you are running from an enemy. You quickly 180 and shoot the person following you. Usually you would attack directly after the shot to use the "stun" it gives you to your advantage but if you are low enough on hearts you can always keep running. Lastly, when getting shot AT with a bow it is very useful to block with your sword to reduce damage.
The Sword~
Even though swords are thought of as a simple weapon they are actually a very hard thing to teach how to use. One (obvious) thing to do when handling a sword is click fast. Although Mine Craft only registers hits once at a finite speed you need to make sure you get to the speed to use your sword to your fullest advantage. Another thing that is important when using a sword is to read enemy strafe. If your opponent is trying to strafe around you be able to read it and hit him while he is strafing. You can also jump while using a sword to get critical hits which help a lot but also can ruin strafe. This tactic is best used in enclosed spaces. Block-hitting is also a very common sword use. You can block by clicking the right part of your mouse and if you spam this while clicking the left side you "block hit". This is another good enclosed space tactic. The last thing about swords, which I have already mentioned, is to strafe. While you need to watch for opponent strafe you can also strafe yourself which lets you land a bunch of hits on enemies.
Flint And Steel~
Flint and steel is a very potent weapon on MCSG because it can be used to divert attention, slow an enemy down, and simply just does great damage. Flint and steel has a lasting damage affect because it lights you on fire. While on fire, you get hit while you try to move which brings in the effect of slow movement. Flint and steel can also be placed randomly when you are running away from an enemy to make them back up so you can get a bigger lead on them. When going for damage with flint and steel though, the most common and effective way to use it is doing a 180 (like with the bow) and lighting the ground on fire so your enemy runs into it. Some players might have good enough reflexes to dodge, however, so don't overuse this weapon. Be careful of risks when you turn around and don't throw away your life over-trusting this weapon.
Golden Apples~
Golden apples are a very important PvP and it is very important that, as long as you have the ingredients for one, you make one. Golden apples are commonly used when your health is low, but, you can also use golden apples when you have fairly high health to make the enemy think that you are low. I also use golden apples to combat fire. When you have fallen in lava you can eat a gold apple and you can also eat them when you have just been flint n' steeled. On some maps, there are even golden apples referred to as 'god apples' because they have been crafted with golden blocks around an apple instead of nuggets. These heal for a longer amount of time along with some other effects that make you pretty much invincible.
Chases/ Running Away/ Parkour~
Whether you know it or not, being able to chase someone and being able to run is very important. When you are chasing someone you need to know the map well so that you can use shortcuts to catch up to your opponent. Running away is almost the same thing. If you know of any hard parkour jumps and you are confident you can make them then lead your enemy to them so he is forced to make the same jump you did. Another thing about running away is being able to while not losing your sprint. Losing your sprint could get you caught in a corner or at least give the enemy an extra hit on you. Parkour is also useful because it might be needed for chest routes and valuable tier 2's.
Water fights~
Water fights are one of the most annoying things in MCSG. If you don't have a bow and your enemy gets out of sword reach then it is a long, boring, exhausting chase to get that one little kill. A useful way of catching up to people in the water is going to the bottom of the body of water and sprinting forward. Sprint in the water is a tiny bit faster than normal movement so it is useful in catching up. Another way of getting the kill you need in the water is positioning. You might think the only good way to water fight is staying under your opponent for more reach but you can also tactically let the enemy land hits on you by staying above him and then finish him off when he thinks he is winning the battle. Lastly, bows are harder to shoot in the water than you think. Unlike land bow shots, your opponent can move up, down, sideways, and diagonally and it makes it harder to shoot a bow with the added movements.
Chest Routes And Call Outs~
Chest routes are arguably the most important thing to have in MCSG. They can stack you with amazing gear and at that point, it almost doesn't matter how good you are at PvP because as long as you are decent, then you can kill off your enemies while having overpowered gear. Good chest routes include not only tier 2's (best loot), but also a couple tier 1's (worse loot) for simple things such as a sword. Tier 2's are less likely to produce a sword than tier 1's even though when tier 2's give you a sword it is automatically stone. Another important but not mandatory thing to have in your chest route is "mystery". It is nice to have a couple little secrets or things that make it hard to get chests on your route so others stray away from that route and leave it open for you. Now, call outs are not important if you don't team at all but if you are in a clan and you are communicating it is important to know the call outs. An example of a call out is on Breeze Island, there is a pirate ship by the beach side with the chairs. The call out for this is simply "Pirate ship".
Opposing Teams~
Ok guys, facing facts, almost every single game you are going to end up facing a team. Whether it is a clan, friends, noobs, typing teams, or baccas you need to know how to kill them. The most important tool to have with you when facing teams is the w key that allows you to sprint in MineCraft :). Most likely, unless the team is either terrible at PvP or under- geared you won't be able to charge at them. You need to be able to slowly take down their health while running away to regenerate. A very useful tool to have when facing teams is flint n' steel. This weapon slows them down while they chase you (which allows you to attack them instantly because they don't have the ability to strafe around you) and also has a lasting damage effect that removes a fair amount of health from them. Another strategy to use on teams is a bow. You can "trickshot" (mentioned above) and attack them or even keep running away. The latter is not as good of an option because the trickshot only stuns one team member and the other keeps sprinting at you. Next, the most basic and most useful thing to utilize when facing teams is strafe. Strafing around teams gets you a lot of hits and even sometimes confuses them and makes them hit each other. Lastly, the best way to kill teams is to be a Golimer. Watch this video and my guide seems useless :3
That is all I have to tell you but if you guys have any ideas for this thread please tell me so I can change it and make it more helpful for you. (including text color, I see it fine on my PC but if you can't, tell me.) Thanks for reading!

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
These are all fairly basic things that most players are probably familiar with, but none the less a decent guide.


Jan 21, 2013
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Hehehe, I didn't even read this because I saw the poll at the start and saw 'No, you shouldn't have tried' because if one of the options is that bad, I'm not gonna risk 5mins of my life reading this :p


Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
This is a well done, thought out thread! You deserve a cookie!


Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hehehe, I didn't even read this because I saw the poll at the start and saw 'No, you shouldn't have tried' because if one of the options is that bad, I'm not gonna risk 5mins of my life reading this :p
Haha! Wow noob! This took a lot of effort and time ;)


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
You forgot other players/teams, with the right jukage you can use them to your advantage

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