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Spartans Story


Feb 15, 2013
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Spartan's Story

Hey guys as my friends know my real name is Nick. The first person to even know of my existance was my mom one day when she lived in Columbia, South Carolina. When my mom was dating my future father when they were both working at a Home Depot. They dated and then a year later my mom got pregnant and then they got married. Less than 24 hours after they got married my moms water broke and they had me at 11:22 in the afternoon on a sunny day in Columbia, SC. After a two years my mom and dad moved to Coral Springs, FL where my little brother Chase was born.

We then moved to Connecticut and my father managed a Lowes and my mother worked at a hair salon. My mom is the best at cutting hair and no onee has ever cut my hair except my mom. My father even before I was born was an alcoholic. He was drunk a lot of nights, and my parents get into fights all the time. One time my dog Mako died because my drunk father left Mako out to get hit by a car (I miss you!!!!!!!) I became use to the fighting but it scared my little brother since he was 6 and I was 8. My parents told us they were getting a divorce many times but they never did.

Then on Thanksgiving in 2008 my parents got in a big fight on the way to our family thanksgiving dinner my family has every year. My mother was tired of it and turned around and said to my dad to bring my brother and I to the dinner and she would stay home. The first stop was the liquor store where he bought booze and then we were on our way. The trip from our house to my Grandparents house for the family dinner was 30 minutes of driving, we drove for 4 hours by our drunk father in the middle of the night, sounds safe doesn't it? Then came a time when the car ran out of gas and we were stranded in the middle of a parking lot on Thanksgiving night. None of the stores were open and my father passed out in the drivers seat. My brother was crying and he thought that we were going to die from hypothermia. We were stranded for the entire night until a bunch of college kids parked in front of a Best Buy helped us out (since it was Black Friday that morning). They helped us and our mom was never so happy to see us. That was the day my mother told my dad to pack his stuff up and leave.

My father moved in with one of his friends and they were still legally married. In 2010 my mom told us we were going to move to West Virginia with our grandparents because my father came to work drunk and lost his j0b. So that's why I live here now. It was really hard living here because the people were rednecks and I didn't know anyone in the 6th grade. It was hard making friends because I have a auditory processing issue. Which means that its harder for my brain to process everything I hear then other people. And this annoys people because I wont understand things before someone is 3 places ahead in a conversation. So for the most of the time I spent like all of my free time alone.

I am REALLY allergic to poison ivy and in 7th grade I got really fat because I had to take certain steroids. I was bullied all 7th grade and then things got better in 8th grade when I lost all that weight. From 8th grade on I played Minecraft because my brother played it all the time.

In the summer of 2012 I found a server call "Minecraft Hunger Games". From that game forward I was addicted. I played all the time everyday. I didn't really care about the community until I decided to go on the teamspeak. I love all the staff and I look forward everyday to playing with all my friends!!!!!

These are the people I thank!!
I love all these guys and I always look forward to playing with them even when I am really annoying!!!

Also all the amazing staff who work so hard by volunteering their time to make the servers clean and fun for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MCSG has really changed my life and I thank @ChadTheDJ for making such a great server!!!!!!
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