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Some tips.


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, 200 and 1st post! :p
Here are some tips that help me survive.

1. When running from some one, avoid mountains or hilly areas. Look for flat land. Tons of times I have seen people I'm chasing start trying to climb a mountain. I easily catch up with them because of how much jumping one block at a time slows you down. Also, it is an easy bow shot when people are climbing. If you can, find an area you can manovour (probably spelt that wrong) easily, or somewhere you know the terrain well. This way you can throw off your chaser and have a chance to eat or fight.

2. When teaming, never have one person "guard the entrance to the building" or "keep watch while you are getting chests" unless they are near you at all times. This is especialy important with teams that are in game without Skype and ts (these teams are a bad idea anyway). I once saw a team of 2 on teweren. One guy went into the castle to get a chest and the other "kept watch". I ambushed the one outside then his until the next person came back out and started going through the other guys stuff. I killed him too. This is a perfect example of teams being dumb and splitting up. This is not real life, so doing things like watching the entrance don't actually work as well as they do in the real world.

3. This is a very important thing that I don't think many people of mentioned on these forums. When you are in a battle, never back up unless you are going to use a bow, use f and S, or If they are moving away too. If you start backing up you are moving slower then forward. The other person can then sprint and catch up with you and since you are backing up you will be constantly out of range of them. This means you will barely be able to hit them whilst they hit you and you die. Many times I have lost because I starting backing up. Unless you have a plan, never back up, just keep on charging and getting those crits. ;)

I hope you enjoyed these tips!


Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
I like 2 and 3 but I somewhat disagree with one. If the person is far enough back, you can have time to climb, which later lets you shove them off when they try to follow you.

Other than that though, nice tips.


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I like 2 and 3 but I somewhat disagree with one. If the person is far enough back, you can have time to climb, which later lets you shove them off when they try to follow you.

Other than that though, nice tips.
Yea just to clarify I meant if they are two or three blocks behind.


Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Haha! I cheer when I see someone go up a ladder while I am right one their tail. It almost always happens at the center on sg4. Never go up ladders unless that person is way behind you.

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