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So today a made a friend on hungergames


Jan 13, 2013
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So as we start off are journey it's the beginning of the round and to make things short....I got nothing but a map from spawn. The only map at the time. As the story continues I find 2 sticks and only one iron, so why not make a iron shovel. So as I climb this tower near the railroad tracks I notice I have half a heart and no health regen.....I was prepared just to give it up then and to jump off the tower. But then a man on the iron chains on the rail road spoke to me. He said "JUMP!". That man is now my friend Dermathas. As we begin to talk with me on the edge of jumping the tower and Derma telling me to jump and find out if there truly is a place you go to once you die. I see trouble to the right. A man in equal gear of my dear Derma comes sprinting and as I warn Derma of his presence they begin to duel. A long and hard duel but my Dermathas won it....and we went to the deathmatch together. Now during deathmatch I back off and try to hide as two badasses go agaisnt one another. My friend Derma with the better armor and sword defeats the last opponent. He turns.....and throws his diamond sword at me, telling me to "Live my dream, get my job, and start a family with your future wife." At this point in time I could not believe it, I started to tear up as my new friend is telling my to kill him on the spot. I get two chops off at him, but I just couldn't do it . I tell him meet me in the water we will drown ourselves so there will be no winner. Aswe start to walk the night turns black and the fireworks go off. We both won the hunger games, President Snow must have a soft side when he saw us.......later I did meet Dermathas again. Sadly he was afk (maybe starting a new thread on what just happened). I did my best to protect him, with only a feather I fought as hard as I could to defend him. But soon we both died. I couldn't handle the hits any longer and I fail to the ground first....forced to watch my new friend die by the hands of my killer.

I don't know if you will see this Dermathas, neither do I think anyone will care to read this. But if you see Derma, tell him......tell him I said thank you. From No_Easy_Way_Out.

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