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Read This or You Like Bacca's!


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, so basically, (this has nothing to do with the title) what on the forums has made you laugh the hardest? Anything, someones post records etc. And don't name any names, because thats not nice :D Mine was, some guy was trying to talk trash saying he's better then me, so I went on the forums to check his records, get this. He had played a week longer then me, and had 15 less wins XD. So anything like that, tell me!


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Slasher's win to loss ratio.

I keed, I keed, <3 you Slasher, mine isn't much better anyway :p


Me having fun with my bacca friends! (one word: trolling).

Bacca: dood could u plz get mor ppl onto teh serva im reording
Me: uh no thx dood
(I grab the diamond helmet from it's furnace, and he grabs the pants and boots before I can)
Me: dood cn i plz have da diamnd armor dood?
Bacca: oke i put the pants in the chest
Me: cool dood can i plz have the bootez?
Bacca: only a true man of the bac can have the botties
Me: but dood i am a true man of the bac im just in a disguse skin so i can spie on non-baccas
Bacca: u cn have da boots den dood! in beja we trus in bacca we must
Me: ya dood! thx for the diamond armour
Bacca: hey lulu tem?
Me: sur dood a bacca must suport a bacca!
Bacca: Oke follow me i got a beast chestrute with dia boobplate (*I'm not joking, he said that)
Me: kool dood
Bacca: oh an if u get an axe giv it to me and let me win plz
Me: oke dood

We get in game, he dies 2nd.
He spectates and I said:
Hey, I am not a bacca. I was joking :) GG


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
Me having fun with my bacca friends! (one word: trolling).

Bacca: dood could u plz get mor ppl onto teh serva im reording
Me: uh no thx dood
(I grab the diamond helmet from it's furnace, and he grabs the pants and boots before I can)
Me: dood cn i plz have da diamnd armor dood?
Bacca: oke i put the pants in the chest
Me: cool dood can i plz have the bootez?
Bacca: only a true man of the bac can have the botties
Me: but dood i am a true man of the bac im just in a disguse skin so i can spie on non-baccas
Bacca: u cn have da boots den dood! in beja we trus in bacca we must
Me: ya dood! thx for the diamond armour
Bacca: hey lulu tem?
Me: sur dood a bacca must suport a bacca!
Bacca: Oke follow me i got a beast chestrute with dia boobplate (*I'm not joking, he said that)
Me: kool dood
Bacca: oh an if u get an axe giv it to me and let me win plz
Me: oke dood

We get in game, he dies 2nd.
He spectates and I said:
Hey, I am not a bacca. I was joking :) GG
OMG!, So funny :D

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