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Qutting MCSG / My Story


Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
I'm quitting MCSG and switching over to another server because MCSG has been giving me alot of low self esteem. Like people saying you're bad, you're stats suck. I get it all the time when I'm just trying to make a point, like when I say something like, Can you not? And someone says "Says the one with 10 wins LELLELEL"

But enough about that.

I was only 12 years old. I loved Minecraft so much. I had all the merchandise and YouTubers in my subscription box..

I had found out about the servers when I was watching a livestream.
I started to like the server kinda.. I forgot about it immediately though. Then in the Summer, I started to play it alot more. I was pretty bad, But I found my way around it kinda. I teamed alot. This was during the time Stacy and Joey were DOMINATING MCSG. Now it's Huahwi. I had never Skype teamed until September.
I found it VERY VERY VERY fun to talk to people while playing MCSG. Then my WiFi cut off. I couldn't tell ANYBODY. Then that time came around, They call it 2014.

The hellstorm of it all........

I met alot more people through that year and I had so much fun. That fun never lasted.

In May I met a clique I call "Team Tiger" It included 5 other people (Occasionaly 6-7) But it had my then friends Richie (Richieownsu24), Skye (SassySkye), Melissa (PurpleMeliana619), Eryn (Epicreamer/TheKinkyKoala) (not really my friend) And this guy named Cameron (Cheetahsomething). We all wore tiger skins. We made a YouTube channel together, I deleted it once we all fell apart. When I started trolling them and stuff. I would just be joking around playing music on my crappy webcam microphone and I got kicked from a call. Ladedaedadeda. I felt hated (I was very sensitive back then) Only one of those people kept me as a friend through this boosat...

We live in the same state and an hour away from each other

I admit, I had a little crush on her. I trolled her alot. I just felt awkward having someone who actually cared about me through the screens. Then she met this guy named Keanu (Known as legit_crafter02 on the servers)
I got to know him very quickly. Ok, not really but when Melissa would leave we would talk but this one day he told me to keep a secret. I'm not gonna say what but then some things happened, I got jealous of something and tried to ruin something between Legit and Melissa. It worked once, But then that ended up getting them back together. My wifi turned off again for exactly a week. July 2014 was the best month of my life. I had gotten a new account, Iron Donor and donor on alot of servers. I continued to make friends and meet other people. I continued to fall apart from MCSG and say "I quit!" But then I would be back on MCSG in a heartbeat.. But this time I'm serious.

Goodbye, Minecraft Survival Games.

Goodbye everyone.

Shoutout to everyone I mentioned.

You guys are the best <3
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
If a mod could do me a favor here, Can you ban me for at least a month so I can get my mind off MCSG?


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
See ya man, I didnt see you around much but ay, I quit for basically the same reason as you. MCSG really isnt that fun anymore.

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