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Aug 21, 2015
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Can I apply for the Current Events Publication thing even if I am not a staff member? Vanicle | Vanessa GetRidaHim
If I can here is my application
Name:Mr.Slim Shady
Skype: Will make one if I have too.
Our cultures make us different but underneath we are all the same. from a grade 8 essay,
What I have learned from reading books from other cultures are things like that some people in the family are more important than the others or that everyone needs friends or they give up (like the poor girl that was bullied from the Rich People School and gave up and lied to her grandma- Price of the sword. Or that family loves one and another, Full stop where Cameron was sending Grandma Scottie money for her safety. Or that the older generations sacrifice their life for the younger generation: The rich people school, where her mother married a man from America so her child could get good education she quoted “I will come see you one day and you will be a big clever girl. You will go to university and have so many choices and not have sell your life your silly stupid mother”. This experience has helped us middleschoolers understand cultures from continents like Africa or from South America. This has told me that love or family is nearly the same in nearly all of the countries.

Love happened all around, The Rich people school, Her Grandma plans to buy a ticket for her mother with all the money that Silvia goes for. Full Stop, Cameron helps her grandma stay safe when he gives her money every week and talks to her and cares about her. They can connect to our grandma even is she is in a different culture or people from different cultures or different countries because love is love is the same, it’s the same in Africa and North or South America.

Bullying happens everywhere

Bullying is a disgusting human value, it happens nearly everywhere.

The Rich people school- Where Silvia is eating her food, she gets discriminated or bullied for eating her food, in The Price of the sword, Meng and Ger got bullied for being from yen or saying that they are Yen princes. The thing is that Silvia reacted with running away but Ger reacted by standing his ground and beating them up.

The value of reading culture from your own is that you are appreciating the different culture more and more, you are learning about what they eat, where they live, what condition they live in, what their beliefs are. Even if we are poor or rich or white or brown or black we are the same in a way. Our cultures make us different but underneath we are all the same.

Hopefully I can apply and get accepted
Last edited:


Mar 16, 2015
Reaction score
Can I apply for the community thread/newspaper thing even if I am not a staff member? Vanicle | Vanessa GetRidaHim
If I can here is my application
Name:Mr.Slim Shady
Skype: Will make one if I have too.
Our cultures make us different but underneath we are all the same. from a grade 8 essay,
What I have learned from reading books from other cultures are things like that some people in the family are more important than the others or that everyone needs friends or they give up (like the poor girl that was bullied from the Rich People School and gave up and lied to her grandma- Price of the sword. Or that family loves one and another, Full stop where Cameron was sending Grandma Scottie money for her safety. Or that the older generations sacrifice their life for the younger generation: The rich people school, where her mother married a man from America so her child could get good education she quoted “I will come see you one day and you will be a big clever girl. You will go to university and have so many choices and not have sell your life your silly stupid mother”. This experience has helped us middleschoolers understand cultures from continents like Africa or from South America. This has told me that love or family is nearly the same in nearly all of the countries.

Love happened all around, The Rich people school, Her Grandma plans to buy a ticket for her mother with all the money that Silvia goes for. Full Stop, Cameron helps her grandma stay safe when he gives her money every week and talks to her and cares about her. They can connect to our grandma even is she is in a different culture or people from different cultures or different countries because love is love is the same, it’s the same in Africa and North or South America.

Bullying happens everywhere

Bullying is a disgusting human value, it happens nearly everywhere.

The Rich people school- Where Silvia is eating her food, she gets discriminated or bullied for eating her food, in The Price of the sword, Meng and Ger got bullied for being from yen or saying that they are Yen princes. The thing is that Silvia reacted with running away but Ger reacted by standing his ground and beating them up.

The value of reading culture from your own is that you are appreciating the different culture more and more, you are learning about what they eat, where they live, what condition they live in, what their beliefs are. Even if we are poor or rich or white or brown or black we are the same in a way. Our cultures make us different but underneath we are all the same.

Hopefully I can apply and get accepted
That is nice work and i'd like to receive you!!
Have a nice day :3


Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
I'm assuming you are asking about joining the Current Events Publication team. Unfortunately, you must be staff in order to join the team, as it aids you in doing the job more effectively.


Aug 21, 2015
Reaction score
I'm assuming you are asking about joining the Current Events Publication team. Unfortunately, you must be staff in order to join the team, as it aids you in doing the job more effectively.
Hell isn't it better if I am not staff? I have less work on my hands?


District 13
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
I'm assuming you are asking about joining the Current Events Publication team. Unfortunately, you must be staff in order to join the team, as it aids you in doing the job more effectively.
Unfortunately, you need to be staff member as Rail_ said.


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately as people said above you need to be a staff member to join the Current Events Publication Team.

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