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Pvp Tips


Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Here are some helpful tips for pvp on land, there's another thread by me for water, stealth, and just genera survival.

Circle/Strafe your enemy. This can lead to getting behind you enemy, which is fatal to them. Someone with leather and wood could beat someone who has full iron and diamond using this.

Stealth is your friend. If you get the first hits, usually you win. An enemy will freak out and most likely panic if snuck up on.

Use bows. From a long range, bows can be deadly if you have good aim. If you are being chased, suprise your enemy with a 180 bow shot. It might take a while to master, bust it helps

Running is advised if you are low on hearts. If you know the person has more hearts than you, run. While running, if you have regenerated, suprise your enemy with a 180 bow shot or just turn around and CLIIICK!!!!

USE FLINT AND STEEL!!!!!!!!! When an enemy is set on fire, they will likely panic, because their vision is slightly blurred because of the fire, and the can't sprint without it doing the wobbly thing. If you have flint and steel, use it.

Fishing poles are your friend. If you have a team mate who's chasing someone in water, fishing pole him forward. Sometimes, you can fishing pole your opponent to mess him up a little, then go in for the kill.

Don't hack. Many people are looking for hackers, and they record. Unless you want banned, do not hack. Plus, hacking ruines the game and makes it not fun :(


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Good tips. The best ide say are the first two. You can kill anyone no matter how overpowered they are if you sneak up on them and get in the first few hits.
There are two I dont agree with though
Here are some helpful tips for pvp on land, there's another thread by me for water, stealth, and just genera survival.
Use bows. From a long range, bows can be deadly if you have good aim. The enemy likely doesn't know where the arrows are coming from, and it is advised to crouch so he can't see your name. If you are being chased, suprise your enemy with a 180 bow shot.

It is ok to run, just don't be the noob that jumps in the water, unless you have a boat.
I dont think using your bow as a long range sneak attack is a smart idea. Most likely after the first hit they will run off. That just ruins your chance at a sneak attack and at long range a hit is much harder. Plus bows (for me anyway) are used more for tipping the scales before I kill with a sword, depending on the situation of course.
Ide say dont waste your arrows on a long range shot, you may miss and just alert of your presence. Just try and sneak up on him, or even just run full out and get a couple close range arrow shots before you move in with your sword.

And I jump in the water all the time to survive. Its actually a much better idea than running. Its not a noob strategy. The noob is the player chasing the person in the water if he cant kill him. Cuz players who run away into the water are way way easy to kill with a bow.
The noob thing is to chase those people if you dont have a way to kill them.
Also jumping in the water may work well if you get deeper than your chaser, then you can beat him back or possibly kill him with your reach advantage.


Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Good tips. The best ide say are the first two. You can kill anyone no matter how overpowered they are if you sneak up on them and get in the first few hits.
There are two I dont agree with though

I dont think using your bow as a long range sneak attack is a smart idea. Most likely after the first hit they will run off. That just ruins your chance at a sneak attack and at long range a hit is much harder. Plus bows (for me anyway) are used more for tipping the scales before I kill with a sword, depending on the situation of course.
Ide say dont waste your arrows on a long range shot, you may miss and just alert of your presence. Just try and sneak up on him, or even just run full out and get a couple close range arrow shots before you move in with your sword.

And I jump in the water all the time to survive. Its actually a much better idea than running. Its not a noob strategy. The noob is the player chasing the person in the water if he cant kill him. Cuz players who run away into the water are way way easy to kill with a bow.
The noob thing is to chase those people if you dont have a way to kill them.
Also jumping in the water may work well if you get deeper than your chaser, then you can beat him back or possibly kill him with your reach advantage.
Thanks for the advice


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Another tactic I like to use is a variant on running. When I turn around, however, I don't launch instantly into a fight. I'll hit them once (which they usually can't react to), then continue running. I repeat this a few times, and when they seem like they're pretty low on health, stop to eat food, or I've fully regened, I'll turn around, hit them one more time, run past them, then spin around and whail on them.


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
And pray to god you don't get screwed over by NCP. :p
Flint and Steel is your friend, by the way. ;-; It deserves at least a mention.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
And pray to god you don't get screwed over by NCP. :p
Flint and Steel is your friend, by the way. ;-; It deserves at least a mention.
And fishing poles as well :3

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