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[Prizes] Community Fan Art Competition - Second Edition


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score

This months theme will be: AntVenom Gametypes

These GameTypes may include, ColorZone, Deadly Descent, Rocket Rumble, etc. check them out by playing them on our Network! NOT: Survival Games, Quarter Quell, BattleGrounds, etc.

Hello Tributes,

We are pleased to announce the second ever Community Fan Art Competition! Here, we’ll be holding a fun little art contest, where the artists of the community get to show off their talents and have the opportunity to win some prizes.

The staff in charge of the contest will choose the top 10 from all the submissions. This is where the community votes come in, you will vote from each of the 10 submissions, and the top 3 with the most votes will win.

The competition will last from today, March 13th, until March 28th. From the 13th to the 20th will be the time period in which you can submit your artwork. Submissions will be closed off at midnight CST when it becomes March 20th. On the 20th, the judges will decide the top 10 artworks submitted that advance onto the next round for community voting, and will be announced some time that day. From that day on to the 21st, the community will place their votes for the artwork they like best. On March 28th, we will announce the top 3 winners, and send them their donor codes, as well as feature all the artwork that was submitted and give a huge thanks to everyone that participated!

Due to a lack of entries, the contest is still open, and will be open until further notice, when this message is removed, the contest will be closed regarding submissions, and we will start picking our winners, who will soon after receive their prizes! Good luck!

March 13th - Competition Starts, Submissions Open

March 20th - Submissions Close

March 21st - Top 10 Submissions Chosen, Voting Opens

March 27th - Voting Closes

March 28th - Winners Announced

Prizes Include:

1st Place: 3 Month Gold Donor, Forum Badge

2nd Place: 1 Month Iron Donor, Forum Badge

3rd Place: 1 Month Iron Donor, Forum Badge

You can enter by submitting your artwork by clicking HERE or by clicking the following link:


After the staff have voted on the top 10 submissions, you will vote for the best one here: [N/A until March 21st]

  • Must follow all MCGamer rules. The artwork you submit must be free of profanity, nudity, or explicit content, and appropriate to showcase on our forum. Artworks of an inappropriate nature will be discarded and the user who submits them may be subject to punishment.

  • Must be viewable by others. Any size or type (jpg, png) of artwork is allowed, so long as it’s viewable by others. Your artwork link should look like this:

NOT like this:


  • Must be related to one of the AntVenom Gametypes to qualify. Feel free to explain how it relates to the AntVenom gamemodes when filling out your submission form. The way it relates should be very clear, direct, and easy to explain. A good example is an artwork of two players fighting, which would relate to the PvP aspect of AntVenom. An example of something we would discard is an artwork clearly depicting another game/gametype, another Minecraft network.

  • Plagiarism is not permitted. We have ways of finding out if you’re stealing another artist’s work. Anyone caught doing this will be immediately disqualified from this CFAC and all future ones to take place.

  • The Fan Art Competition staff have the right to overlook any submissions which do not comply with the rules. Artwork submissions which do not follow rules 1-4 will be overlooked. The CFAC staff always have the final say on if a submission follows a rule or not.

  • Do not promote your own artwork. In the voting phase of the competition, don’t tell others to vote for your artwork - you could get disqualified. People will vote for your artwork if they want to!

  • Have fun! Don’t stress out too much if you don’t win. This event is purely for fun, so try not to get too competitive.
And with that, the competition begins! Good luck everyone!

~Created by GetRidaHim and Spectral_Slayer~

~Special thanks to soggypickle~

Last edited:


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Seems like a great competition, can't wait to see the entries! :)


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
If only I was artistically talented...


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Will it be necessary to draw my work on a program? Or can I just draw it on a piece of paper and take a picture of it and send it to you? Because I am terrible with art. ;-;


Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Will it be necessary to draw my work on a program? Or can I just draw it on a piece of paper and take a picture of it and send it to you? Because I am terrible with art. ;-;
Pretty sure the contest is over :p


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Will it be necessary to draw my work on a program? Or can I just draw it on a piece of paper and take a picture of it and send it to you? Because I am terrible with art. ;-;
Pretty sure the contest is over :p
Due to a lack of entries, the contest is still running, and will be running until further notice! So, if possible, you can send in your submissions, regarding Miner's post, yes you can.

I will be updating the thread with more information!

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