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my loveIGN: Epok
Nickname: Poke
Past clans: byonics, vector, Tyxus, legends, divergent, Nature, Epiks
Stats: 11/50
Nation: Italy 4 ever
Skype name: u have it
Have you.....: yes all members
Donor: platino (alla faccia di hyyx <3)
Nickname: Poke
Past clans: byonics, vector, Tyxus, legends, divergent, Nature, Epiks
Stats: 11/50
Nation: Italy 4 ever
Skype name: u have it
Have you.....: yes all members
Donor: platino (alla faccia di hyyx <3)
Nickname: Poke
Past clans: byonics, vector, Tyxus, legends, divergent, Nature, Epiks
Stats: 11/50
Nation: Italy 4 ever
Skype name: u have it
Have you.....: yes all members
Donor: platino (alla faccia di hyyx <3)
Sei stato nei Nature per 5 ore perchè mi avevi dato il platino, ero intenzionato a kickarti appena avresti fatto il minimo errore ( cosa che hai fatto in cw ) ma poi abbiamo disbandato per vari motivi c:IGN: Epok
Nickname: Poke
Past clans: byonics, vector, Tyxus, legends, divergent, Nature, Epiks
Stats: 11/50
Nation: Italy 4 ever
Skype name: u have it
Have you.....: yes all members
Donor: platino (alla faccia di hyyx <3)
LoLSei stato nei Nature per 5 ore perchè mi avevi dato il platino, ero intenzionato a kickarti appena avresti fatto il minimo errore ( cosa che hai fatto in cw ) ma poi abbiamo disbandato per vari motivi c:
Tracking e sei stato declinato ahahahahahaIGN:Vylaax
Past ClansesolutionAC | Tracking | Fulgur
Stats [Current ~ Legacy]:1/8
Skype Name:Vylaax
Have you played with any of the members:Hyyx kvnsurvives sellaccount Gaviir PierinoPvP