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Political Question


Jun 14, 2014
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Hey guys, so recently I have been pondering on what type of thread I should create as I have been feeling in a foruming mood lately. After much contemplation I thought of what would give users an incentive to participate in a conversation therefore, decided to pick a topic that would invoke different opinions. After witnessing many people debate on a never ending subject I have a question to propose to whoever wants to take on the role of answering it. Well, rather I say I have two options and would love to see the side in which the community leans to.

My question is rather quite simple but can become complex depending on how your perceive it, so without further adieu my question..... Do you believe accountability comes before democracy ( or a democratic system) or do you think the idea of democracy is the birth place of accountability. As an addition to this question, do you think people should primarily blame let's say a leader who makes an enormous blunder or should blame everyone who participated to cause the error.

I know many people might not regard this question with much relevance but would like to hear what others think about the whole concept as I have seen it's a topic that never ceases to be debated. I will state my own opinion as everyone comments but I will say it's different from common perceptions.

Anyways... to wrap up please also give a reason as to why you lean to the idea in which you have chosen. :p


Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Seems like I might be overwhelming some people, to make things simpler does the whole idea of people being accountable for their actions happen before a democratic society is created or after. For example say someone break someone's arm for no reason, would the whole idea of hurting others be considered a a bad thing before a society was created or after its creation. My bad if I am confusing some people *sigh*


Mar 7, 2015
Reaction score
Honestly I think it depends on the situation, even though a lot of the time people like to put blame onto others. Ultimately it's impossible for one person to control a large population of people. Humans are very complex and for people to expect them to all agree on one thing is unbelievable. But when the power is shifted into the hands of the government, I believe they should take some type of accountability. Right now our government is in a really weird position, where although we are a federal republic that supports democratic practices, it still favors those who have money. I believe Democratic and Republican parties are a terrible idea. I think it divides people and forces them to choose side; there's no middle-man. I've seen multiple cases where parties show no respect to the opposing side. It's childish. I also find it sad that a lot of people are under the impression that there are only two political parties, when in reality there are multiple. Money currently plays a huge role in today's government and it's really easy for politicians to go corrupt. For example when the FCC voted on Net Neutrality, 2 out of 5 people voted against net neutrality. Those 2 were people who previously worked with cable companies. One man had also had a similar background (to a higher degree) but voted in favor of Net Neutrality. This had shocked a lot of people due to his background. Now obviously not everyone in the government is corrupt, there are some really good politicians out there. Every batch will have a few bad eggs.

EDIT: It took me awhile to gather my thoughts. I started typing 3 minutes after it was posted...
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