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Perfect Survival Game?

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Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Well I felt like I should start this thread to put all the suggestions people have all in one place and we could all discuss upon them.

I would like everyone to post descriptive posts (Nothing like "no diamonds!!!" as a post) that really go in depth to the strategy on how you would set up the Survival Games (plugin).

Note: This is for changes you would make to the game's function not the map.

Some questions you should answer:
- What spawns where? (In respect to items and chests)
- Time intervals? (How long should lobbys, games, deathmatches, etc.. be)
- Added features (Breaking blocks or wider range of blocks that can be broken and anything along those lines)
These are just the base questions that should be answered in your post. Please elaborate on each answer.

My Perfect SG:
-In Lobby-
For starters I would make it so as soon as 24 people join the timer gets set to 30 seconds if the time isn't already less than that.
-In Game-
In the center you can get valuable items (like it is already) but diamond would be a bit more rare and has a chance to spawn in areas that are relatively close to the spawn. This would give a chance of a small alliance or a single player to have a chance against the people in the middle. I know this might cause some arguments about how camping in the center is part of the book/movie but I believe that in the MCSGs players look for a fair game instead of full reference to the book/movie. As for items that should be added I believe wooden planks, cobblestone and flint should be in. Which brings me to my point that Workbenches and furnaces should be place-able. Now I understand that it may make the ultimate camping tool since you don't need to travel to the center but the materials could be made pretty rare so its not the most common event. Adding this makes it an even more strategical game. If you camp the corn you could wonder "What if they are already suited up and going to ambush and destroy us??!?" It would push people to try and find these "camps" and raid them then grab the loot. Which therefore encourages battles to happen. (Could also be used to make a surprise ambush by placing a crafting table in the open and waiting for someone to use it.) Another thing I would add is a decrease in time after each death. There are 24 total (full server) players in a server and the game's length is an hour. Each player could be "worth" about 2 minutes. On a death the time left would be decreased by 2 minutes. This will also promote a sort of movement because now that there are 5 people left and only 22 minutes left instead of 40 this will make them look for more items instead of camping since they have time to waste.
-Death match
Before the death match starts there should be a timer of about a minute or 2 (if its a 2 man auto death match) before the death match begins. One reason is that the person who just fought could take some time to pick up the loot of his enemy. Also it gives them a chance to heal after a recent battle. This would just add a bit of fairness into the game since one of the players in the death match just came out of a battle and got nothing from it except damage. For time ending deathmatch a timer isn't needed.

That is all I have for now. Please comment if you have ideas.

Felix Griffin

Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with those. I also think we should also be allowed to use flint and steel...if the specific map allows it. In the forest it would be completely OP, but not in the ruined city.


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with those. I also think we should also be allowed to use flint and steel...if the specific map allows it. In the forest it would be completely OP, but not in the ruined city.
I didn't really specify but flint would be used for making arrows, the wooden planks for making workbenches and the stone for furnaces. That could be interesting if they allowed flint and steel. Maybe if it spawned very rarely and its wasn't craftable. Burning down a forest sounds like a fun game changer. I'm glad you like my ideas.
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