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People complaining about staff.


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Now, as many of you know, there is a lot of hate on the MCGamer Staff because "they don't do their job". Well, people who say this don't really look into it, I used to be one of those people, but a few months ago I started to look into it and I realized how much the staff actually does. I see people go into Hub 8 and tell a mod that there is a hacker in a server, now usually the staff member doesn't respond. People say it's because the staff is lazy, that's wrong. When a staff member doesn't respond to you that means they are busy with other issues, usually I'll help the player with said hacker because I'm not nearly as busy as a mod.

Now, people say things like, "The staff doesn't ban the hackers they just ban my friends for no reason" well, tons of hackers are banned each day and the thing is, there are ALWAYS more hackers coming to play. Also, when people say they've been banned for no reason, or their friend got banned for no reason, they are completely WRONG. The MCGamer Staff always bans players for reasons, usually people don't know why and just say, "This mod banned me for no reason" when there was a reason. And with other cases, someone will be banned for either longer then they should and they complain, like lets say you bypassed the swear filter, well the usual ban time for that is about 1 day, but sometimes people get 3 day bans and complain. Instead of complaining why you got banned longer then you should and then saying the staff sucks, why do you bypass the swear filter in the first place? It's not the staff's fault that you were banned longer, it's your own for breaking the rules. My motto when it comes to this is "If you stay out of trouble, you won't get into trouble" basically if you follow all the rules and be nice to everyone, you won't have any problems. And of course, in the rare occasion when you haven't done anything and gotten banned (Happened to me once), put in a disbute, if you're not guilty for anything then you will get unbanned! :)

Now for some fun facts on how much the staff actually does,

1. The MCGamer staff issues between about 500-2000 bans every 24 hours.
2. They do all their work without pay at all.
3. They go through constant harassment and disrespect by the community all day and continue to do their job.

These were just a few things that I thought off the top of my head, suggest more below and I'll add it to the list.

My only two complaints are:
1. With the recent burst of rule breaking the server needs more staff.
2. The higher ranked staff needs to interact with the community more.

Thank you MCGamer Staff for being the way you are, and I hope great things for you guys in the future :D


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
A well-deserved and well-written post. Though, I will admit there has been times certain Staff members could've handled certain situations better. But the Staff are regular people, just like us. Just because they're Staff doesn't mean they're perfect.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
2. The higher ranked staff needs to interact with the community more
js, they regularly host and attend community events, and actively play in-game, which is the best they can do. it's hard for them to hang out in public channels on teamspeak as the channel tends to fill up really quickly, and always ends up attracting people trolling


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
But why are they always "Busy" on TS? Too busy to do your job?
They are usually busy with another issue that's why there is a " Report Abuse" section on the forums, MCGamer is a massive community, and we can't expect the staff to do everything.
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District 13
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
This is a really well put together thread. By the way, it was nice playing a game with you last night XD
Enderpearl ;~;


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
This is a really well put together thread. By the way, it was nice playing a game with you last night XD
Enderpearl ;~;
I wish I could p,ay with a Sr. Mod. Im only friends with Mods. :(


District 13
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
I wish I could p,ay with a Sr. Mod. Im only friends with Mods. :(
I'm almost always on so long as it's not school time, and I'm not working :)
(I'm competing in my school's academic team tonight :()


It's sad to see how repetitive these kind of complaints have become. Sometimes it seems like anyone who doesn't get a response right away when they poke a mod, goes on the forums to complain about it. I responded to such a complaint a few months ago. And I believe that a lot of what I wrote there still applies. But no matter how many times we explain these persons that they probably have nothing to complain about or should have gone to a Sr. Mod with their complaint, the same kind of thread keeps popping up.

I agree with Sean that we all need to understand that the staff is doing what they do in their free time and get nothing in return. However, and I'm sorry to annoy you Sean, I do think you can call what the staff does a 'job'. Except for the getting paid part that is, of course. Because staff members need to be serious about what they do and perform their duties responsibly. Furthermore, they spend most of their time moderating the servers. That means that staff members usually don't get to play a lot games. Like I stated in the previously mentioned post, most of the time they are in fact working and not playing games so everyone else can. And we should be grateful that there are people who are still willing to do this. Especially with the seemingly ongoing stream of unjustified complaints against the staff.
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Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
This is a commonly posted thread, but I love your stand point

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