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Papqx's MCSG Goodbye & Story ;-;

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Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
So...after 2 years and 2 months, it has finally come to an end...

As to why I am quitting, just like many others, the game isn't as fun. Not to mention I am entering my junior year in high school, which is a very important year for me, and I don't want to have too many distractions. That being said, I am so grateful that all this has happened because all of the memories and experiences I've been through. The story is really long, but whatever..if you want you can skip the beginning part because it's not as important.

The Beginning:
My interest for Minecraft first began from my friends at school, after watching them play survival at a computer club held at my old middle school. Basically you could get together with friends and play games on the Macs in the computer lab, and many people played Minecraft. I don't remember much from then, but I know that the game was very interesting to me, probably because I've always enjoyed building things. After that, though, my interest was kind of up and down, since I didn't even have a Minecraft account to play on. I enjoyed watching other people play, but naturally I wanted to play too. Not much happened afterwards until one of my school friends told me that he could give me a Minecraft account for free. That was when my interest spiked like crazy, since I really wanted to play the game but never thought my parents would allow me to buy it. The account he gave me had a username of grass1234, and a password of grass1234. I was like dafuq, that's so obvious and stupid, how come no one has hacked your account? In case you haven't guessed, that account was cracked, but I could care less. Once I had access to that, I played a ton of survival. I sucked at building, but whatever, I was having fun. I tried to play multiplayer and it came up with some errors, but I didn't think much of it and continued with survival.

Now that I was actually playing minecraft, I started watching youtube videos of people playing minecraft. For a while, I remember my favorite one to watch was AntVenom. I especially loved his survival games videos (the ones with only youtubers on the original Vareide maps), and was in awe of how good he was. I think he won all 3 of the first 3 games, and watching his videos made me really want to play the same survival games that he was. By now, I had realized that the minecraft account I was using was cracked and I needed to pay to get a premium, legit account for multiplayer.

So, I asked my parents to buy me a minecraft account. It wasn't easy to convince them, because they knew that I got addicted to games very easily, and I might screw some irl stuff as a result. But eventually, for my 14th birthday, my parents bought me a minecraft account. I chose the name Papqx because it had been a name I had always used for gaming and such. I had a first gotten from playing the game Doodle Jump on my dad's iPhone. At the end of a run, I didn't know what name to put the score under, so I pressed a bunch of random keys and it ended up as Papqx. I know, what an amazing story. But the name kind of stuck so I used it for various things, including my first minecraft account.

Once I had gotten my account for my 14th birthday, I wanted to start playing on public servers right away. I think the first servers I joined was uberminecraft.com, because it was the first thing that came up when I googled "minecraft server". Shortly afterwards, though, I wanted to play hunger games. Unfortunately, I googled "minecraft hunger games" and not "minecraft survival games" :/. So I ended up playing these vanilla-based 140 player games. I sucked at them, but they were actually kind of fun. One game I saw someone ask for a skype team, and I was really interested in doing that. So I added the person on Skype, and we talked while playing the game, even though I knew my parents would be mad. The first time I did it I remember my mom came upstairs and asked why I was talking, and I said that "oh, i was just talking to myself". Eventually they figured it out though, and my parents made me never do it again. Obviously I didn't listen.

Anyways, after about a month or so of playing the "hunger games", I realized that this was clearly not those 24 player games I had seen AntVenom play (well I knew it right away, I guess I was caught up in playing it and didn't care until a month later). So, this time I searched "minecraft survival games" since that was what Ant's videos actually said, and the first thing that came up was...well, you know what it was..

Dang was I bad. It's not even that my laptop was that bad, because I managed at least 30 fps for the most part. I was just plain bad. I think the first day I played was July 11, 2012, but I'm not sure, that's just when I made my forum account. I still remember the first people I skype teamed with, which happened to be in my first ever game of mcsg on Survival Games 3; they were a group of 3/4 friends all from Croatia. The only one I really remember was named alabalakar or something like that...I still can't figure out what his username was. He had iron donor, but I didn't know what that was, so I was always intrigued by why his name was colored differently.

As I mentioned before, I was really bad at mcsg, and it was very annoying. I just couldn't win a game. From playing those 140 player hunger games, I had a friend who was really good at those because he used a client for xray and such. I remember it was called Notice or something like that, but I didn't know what exactly it was, so I asked him, and...well yeah...I'm still not very proud of how I got my first three wins, but luckily for me I was not caught and I learned not to do it anymore. I felt so bad doing it because it wasn't fair and I didn't want to get banned on my only account from a server I loved, so I stopped and began learning how to actually play the game. Anyways, until summer ended, I played A LOT of mcsg, and made quite a few friends, some of which I am still friends with today.

Once school started, though, I couldn't play much mcsg. My parents had taken away my laptop because of how addicted I was to the game, and I only got to play once in a while, which sucked :(. So not much happened in the winter of 2012, but once spring came around, things changed. I had my laptop back for whatever reason, and I started playing mcsg again. This was around the time of MCSGv2, when I was still bad but not as bad, and I met some really good friends who were really good at MCSG. The only person's name I still remember was NoName674, but there were at least 2 more people that I got fairly close with, and we played as a group. NoName had like 200 wins at the time, a lot more than me, so by teaming with him and everyone else I learned a lot. NoName and some of the others got iron donor, and they encouraged me to get it too. However, I knew my parents were too strict to let me waste money on a game, so I never got it while I was still friends with them.

For a few months I played mcsg and started getting better, but I was still really bad. By the time that summer had come, I stopped playing though, and I'm not sure why. I think it was getting boring again, and other stuff was coming up. I almost felt happy to not be playing anymore, because I knew that it wasn't helping me out much irl. But that would all change with a camp I went to right after school ended in June.

The camp was a Math camp (lol I'm a nerd ik) at Yale University. Since I didn't live that close to the campus, I had to stay in a dorm there. One of my friends also came with me, but that didn't really matter as I made a ton of friends there and had a lot of fun, even if the math we had to do was boring. I'm pretty sure I spent more time playing pokemon in class than doing math :p. Anyways, what does this have to do with Minecraft and MCSG?

At the camp, in the basement of the dorm that I stayed at, there was a network of halls and various rooms for work and leisure. One of these rooms was a computer room, with a bunch of computers side by side. Now, the computers weren't like gaming computers or anything, but they had i7s, so you could run minecraft on the lowest settings at 100fps, which was amazing to me. Even though my laptop at home wasn't awful, it wasn't great either, and definitely inhibited my PvP skill.

I didn't play minecraft right away though on the computers. I had lost my interest for MCSG and never really thought about it for a while. But then I saw some other people playing minecraft, and specifically one person who playing the survival games. They were playing on some dumb server; I think it started with an H, and was four letters, and rhymed with dive, but I'm not sure. Anyways that reminded me of MCSG and seeing how the computers were decent enough, I started playing MCSG at a math camp. Yeah, greatest accomplishment of my life, but more importantly I started getting pretty good with those computers. I was obsessed with internet at the time, and thought that ping was everything, and since the internet was really good I thought that was why I was getting better.

Now that I was actually decent at the game, I got really interested in it and played it a lot at the camp. We only had free time to do this at night, but I never wasted a minute of it and even ran to the room to reserve my special computer lol. One day, me and my friend actually woke up early in the morning to sneak into the computer room and play a little...dayum I was so addicted but it was so fun too.

Once the camp had ended, however, I didn't continue playing mcsg. The main reason it was fun at the camp was because I usually had a bunch of friends watching me play and it was a lot more exciting. I enjoyed the pressure a lot and I think it helped me. I even skype teamed with some people while there, and met a guy named Eli_Mines. We only played together about 2 times though, but I later saw he got mod which is cool. Anyways, being home and playing mcsg just didn't seem like as much as fun. Also I was convinced that my internet and ping were really bad and I couldn't play because of that. So for the rest of the summer of 2013 and the start of the school year I didn't play MCSG.

That is, until I got an internet upgrade. Now, my ping was decent and I was convinced that I could actually get really good, so I started playing again in the fall of 2013. And, I actually did start getting good. There were a lot of people that I met for the next two months that were decent at the game, but I don't remember many. One of them was Bronze_Box , and we quickly grew to become good friends and play a lot, even though we don't anymore. Another, that some of you may know, went by the name Binct .

Meeting Binct was honestly one of the biggest points in my minecraft "career", if not the most. I remember I had a 100/1000 ratio at the time (a lot of my games were from when I sucked), and he was 100/200. I thought he was some god or something, because he was really really good, and I couldn't believe it when he decided to add me on skype. Justin, I still don't know why you added me, but I am so so happy that you did.

Nothing eventful really happened until November of 2013. I guess I was getting better at PvP, and by then I had about 200 wins, but November was when I got into clans. Binct made a clan called Deception, which I heard about from Bronze_Box being in it, and seeing that I knew Binct and hadn't been in a good clan before, I decided to apply. I was trial for maybe a day, and was accepted shortly after.

I still believe that Deception is my favorite clan that I've ever been in to this day. I had so much fun with those guys and made some great friends. One of the officers in the clan was a guy named VitalityBeast . I remember the first time I went on the Teamspeak and talked to a few of the people there I thought Vitality was some super old guy that was like a senior in high school or something because of his voice. I hate to admit it, but I was actually kind of intimidated by him. Turns out I'm actually a year older than him though...I guess we all aren't blessed to have really deep voices ;-;, but I didn't know that for a while. Anyways the members of Deception were all pretty close and Binct being our leader made it very hard for us when he was banned. It had been so much fun until then and I hated how it had to stop for a bit..

Before that we also merged with React and I met some more friends like darklum3n even though we don't talk much anymore. In later versions of React I would work myself up to Officer rank, which was nice, and I really enjoyed my time there. However, I was bad at pvp in comparison to most of the other people there :(

Another reason why Deception was so important to me was because of a certain friend I made. As I said before, VitalityBeast was an officer and I felt like he was a lot more important and didn't really care about scrubby members like me. However, one day on Skype I remember us talking about the clan, and we found that we shared a lot of the same opinions, especially on a certain person in the clan that is very well known in the community :pPP. I was surprised that he had even bothered talking to me, and the fact that we shared things in common was even more amazing. I came to realize a lot of the preconceived notions I had about people were wrong, especially for Vitality. Ever since then, despite some ups and downs, we've been extremely good friends and I'm so happy that I met you Zhi. Vitality even bought me my first donor (iron), which made me feel really special and led to our relationship further developing.

At this point in the story is around the beginning of 2014. You would think that this part of the story would be longer because it's more recent and I would remember it better. Well, the thing is most of this time was spent in clans, and there isn't a whole lot I can say about them. I got better as I went from clan to clan (I don't think I was much of a hopper but I have been in quite a few clans) and made a ton more friends. Along the way, I think in React, I met a guy named CandyCranium.

I had seen him before and saw he had a lot of points and a really good ratio (400/900 or something like that), but I didn't know him well until I met him on the React teamspeak. I remember kupi12 telling me that I wasn't going to like this kid, but I decided to play with him anyways. And guess what kupi, YOU WERE WRONG! Eventually me and candy have become pretty good friends, even though he plays league more now.

Going back to the clan life, at first I followed Justin/Binct a bit but I also went to other clans. Another person I met (probably the last I'm going to talk about) was Drake/munishisawesome.

Me, drake, and vitality have been good friends for a while now. I don't remember much about how I met drake, but we became good friends and he even bought me diamond donor (which I still can't repay him for). And another thing...

I'm not going to go into a lot of specifics here, but I have played on the account NoahSailer. As many of you know it was sold, and through drake I was given access to the account. Now I'll admit, since I wasn't that good at pvp at the time (I'd say I was decent but not good enough), I had a lot of trouble playing on the account with all the try harding. I also felt bad for all the people who thought I was the real deal, and tried to tell as many people as I could that the real Noah was never coming back. I think I even applied for a clan with NoahSailer, since I was using it as a main account. lol. a lot of hate for using those wins, and I don't blame people for it, idk why I used its wins in the first place. Also, I happened to get the 3000th win on NoahSailer :). But since then the account has been passed around a lot and is now in safe keeping.
And I'm sorry for any bad rep I gained from playing on NoahSailer.

The last thing I would like to talk about is the clan Elevate. By June 2014, I had been getting pretty darn good at pvp, especially after I got a really good computer for my 16th birthday. Elevate was made recently, and I wanted to join a competitive clan, so I applied. I stayed a trial for a long time, but eventually I got member. Elevate was a really good clan, and is right now the #1 clan in US (at least according to the US Clan Leaderboards, which I'd say is pretty accurate for at least the top 5 ish clans). I'm so glad to have been in such an amazing clan and I wish I could've stayed, but I had to be inactive :(...not like they really need me though :p.

So yeah, that's about it. I know it was really long, I guess I have good/random memory and I wanted to write it all down somewhere. Hope you enjoyed my story and I will greatly miss this community. I'm not going to do any shout outs or anything because those who were important to my life know who they are, including people I didn't specifically mention from clans. I hope to one day come back to the community but I doubt I ever will.



Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
We all reach a point where MCSG gets boring and we've both reached it m8. Good luck whatever you are gonna do from now on maybe finally get yourself a girlfriend since you keep whining to me about it but when you do remember to never forget your homies (<--- golden rule!!), we've had many fun and hilarious memories throughout our MCSG "careers" from us meeting in Deception till now. Well it's not like we won't talk ever again I got you both on Skype and KiK xD. Both of us will be busy with school (not really for me :p) but have fun you try hard. It's fun talking to ya I know we don't talk that much anymore hell we never really talked much cuz your strict parents would beat even though you are 16 xD. But we tight m8 we tight like...ya know ;). Anyways ttyl and I thought posting it on here would be more meaningful that just texting you directly. Last thing, get CS:GO!!
#Deception #Bromies (Bro + homie cuz you're just that special no pause cause no homo is gey)


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hold on.. Wait a minute. Dino? XD


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
Sad to see another member of the community go. I do believe you are making a smart decision though. Good luck on your Junior year!


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
2 years wtf what's all your account I defiantly don't remember you and I've been here for only 1 year and 9 months with a 11 month hiatus


Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
2 years wtf what's all your account I defiantly don't remember you and I've been here for only 1 year and 9 months with a 11 month hiatus
Well I took quite a few breaks too and I didn't get good until about a year ago.
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