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Our poor team leader...

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May 16, 2012
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Mettwoto, PureChrome, R3tarded Penguin and I had formed a team and decided to run for the Cornucopia. Unfortunately, all we managed to obtain was a bit of food and a fishing rod. We decided to run to the coastal areas to avoid the more fortunate tributes. On our way, we found some leather armor and three stone swords. Soon after we made it to a small island a short distance from the mainland, R3tarded and I went out to hunt with two of the three swords.
We stocked up on beef, chicken, and pork and were about to return when I saw a patch of mushrooms. I gathered them up and looked backwards to see him gone. Just then, the sky flashed brightly and "A cannon was heard in the distance." I headed back to our island quickly.
I found the other two fishing quietly but slowly starving. We divided up our food. Night fell. It was announced that the Cornucopia had been refilled and we knew it was our only chance to survive. Mett volunteered to go. After he left, Chrome continued fishing and I guarded. The stone bridge that connected us to the mainland was intriguing, and I decided to search it for chests, after finding nothing, I walked back to Chrome. While I was turned around, an enemy, well stocked and fortified, ambushed us. He killed both of us, who had only a fishing rod and sword.
We decided to check on Mett to see how he was doing. We laughed about how he was, no doubt, perplexed to see two tributes had died at almost the same time.
Now he was alone, unknowing of our bad fortunes. He made it back to our island, found it empty, probably realizing what happened, and fished while his dead allies chatted about each other's deaths.
It was down to the final three when a tribute not too far away accidentally fell off a cliff and died. Mett was teleported to the deathmatch. The same career that killed us was waiting for him. Though he fought well, he too fell to the vicious career. We all had a good laugh about it later.
It was very fun, though we had bad luck. You never know what will happen!


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I liked the story :) im sorry for killing you guys though ;D
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