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Other Minecraft Updates


Apr 12, 2013
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The next are two updates ;)

1.0.1 - November 24, 2011

This was a server-only update, 1.0.0 remained the current client version.Bug fixes

· "Invalid server key" error fixed when attempting to log into servers.

· "Null pointer exception" error fixed when logging into servers.

1.1.0 - January 12, 2012

· Bows are now enchantable, with four new enchantments specific to bows: Power, Punch, Infinity, and Flame.

· Arrows which are on fire now set entities they hit on fire.

· Golden Apple recipe changed to use gold nuggets instead of gold blocks.

o Golden Apples now restore
rather than
and cause regeneration for 5 seconds rather than 30.

· 56 new language translations, including fictional ones such as Pirate, Klingon, and Quenya.

· Infrastructure for improved mob AI added, allowing for more complicated behavior than before. These behaviors themselves have not been implemented yet.

· Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes.

o Swamp land and water colors now smoothly transition to other biomes.

· Re-added beaches.

· Taiga biomes now contain snow and ice.

· Decreased randomness of enchantment levels at Enchantment Tables.

· Biomes are slightly more varied, with differing elevations of land in previously flatter biomes.

· Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds from 30.

· Added Spawn Eggs to creative mode.

· Added a world type option (available types: Superflat and Default).

· Removed collision box from ladders.

· Sheep eat grass (converting it to dirt) and Tall Grass to regain their Wool.

o Sheep only drop 1-3 wool per shearing.

· The collision box on Fence Gates now matches that of Fences instead of being square.

· Fence Gates can now be opened and closed with Redstone.

· Oak (default tree) leaves now have a 1/200 chance of dropping Red Apples.

· Blacksmith buildings in NPC Villages now hold chests with loot of the same type as strongholds.

· Void fog removed in creative mode.

· Melons and pumpkins can now grow on dirt, instead of only on farmland.

· New settings in Server.properties:

o level-type

o spawn-npcs

o generate-structures

· Magma Cubes can now drop Magma Cream on death.

· In SMP servers, non-ops are kicked if they spam in chat too much (Ops are not notified of the kick, they must assume that the player was auto-kicked)

· The distance that Wheat attracts friendly mobs has increased from 2-3 blocks to 8-9 blocks.

· All Music discs except for "11" can be dropped from creepers killed by skeletons.

Bug fixes:

· Crash bug in the loading screen for some users

· Possible to fall through a block of Farmland, Soul Sand or Glass when walking over its edge.

· Open fence gates will close randomly or if they receive a block update.

· Note blocks don't make a sound when hit in SMP.

In the creative mode block screen, if you click on a block that has the same ID but not the same damage value, the block you click with will still gain blocks.

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