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Opinions on ''Try-Harder's,Hackers,Boosters and Teamers''


May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Hello tributes. Today I do have indeed a nice topic to talk about!
I 'll be giving my opinion's on ''Try-Harder's,Hackers,Boosters and Teamers!''

Let's get straight into it :3

First, I don't want to start an arguement by giving out my opinion, if you think my opinion's are bad or somenthing similiar to that please just keep it for yourself, don't start an arguement about it!

Try-Harder's - Well, most of the people in the community hate ''Try-Harder's'', which is really stupid tbh. they are just trying to win the game, just like you! The difference is that they give their best to win, since you're probably playing for fun, you think they are ruining your entertainment. But they are actually not, as I said they are just trying to win the game.

Hacker's - How not to hate them? They're ruining other people fun while playing, they're pathetic. But instead of us complaining we should record all of them and try to get them banned as much as we can :3
If you're not familiar to ''Hacks'' it's basically a program where you cheat to win. (not legit) So don't use it people, if you play more you will get better, but if you hack you are never going to get better! :3

Booster's - Also a hated part of community. I hate them too! They are teaming in a team of 4, mostlikely with hackers and boost. Basically when the ''booster guy'' and his friends are the only one's who's in the game, they just /kill so the ''booster guy'' can have more wins! It's really sad how that became a thing now...
But still we can record them and report! :3

Teamers - Also a bit hated part of the community... wait,wait,wait,wait! So when you team you hate yourself? No teaming is actually really nice, firstly you play with your friends, and secondly if you are a 3rd guy left in the game, you can prove you skills by killing them, or die and learn on your mistakes! I know when people team in a team of 5 it is though.. and frustrating.. but still you team too! :3

PS: I made this thread so late so sorry if I had bad grammar here and there!

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Dec 29, 2012
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Try Harders- No problem with them. I sometimes tryhard when I need a few wins.

Hackers- BLAH

Boosters- Meh. Can't do much to stop them. :/

Teams- Oh teams. Everyone complains about it, yet almost everyone does it. I get mad over teams a lot, but I team a lot. I enjoy teaming a lot because I enjoy playing with new people or friends. Playing solo also gets boring so why not mix it up a bit?


Jun 1, 2014
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I really don't have any problems regarding anyone who plays the game to win, which is a good majority of all players. However, Hackers, are a complete different story. I do not see the point in hacking, since this is just a game, and you are ruining the fun for others. Boosters and teams I do not really pay attention to, they are quite annoying at some times however everyone has teamed at least once before, so I really don't see a problem with teamers.


Tryhards: Don't really see anything bad about them. They don't have an unfair advantage like hackers or teamers, you can tryhard to kill them if you wanted to. No big deal.

Hackers: Hackers are either people desperate for wins who resort to hacks to get them, or just trolls who like seeing people rage after dying to them. I hate them either way.

Teams: I rage at them a lot lol, but as long as they'll accept 1v1s then I'll probably be fine with them. If they completely scumbag 2v1 me though then I hate them. I try to be fair whenever I team.

Boosters: I can't be too mad at them since they usually aren't in the same game as other people, boosting on 6 man servers at night. Really annoying when they're boosting with huge teams or hackers in legit games though. You can't really boost your way to the top of the leaderboards before getting caught, so I don't care that much.


Aug 31, 2014
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There is no such thing as a 'tryhard'. It's just something people call someone better than themselves. Think of it as a derogatory term fueled by jealousy.
Sep 7, 2013
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Tryhards= I hate tryhards. I don't mean the type of people that just play a lot, but the people who play like they're some kind of professionals, forget this is a game and take it too serious.

Hackers= E***a loving piece of s****.

Teams= Why should someone be mad at them. Everyone does it sometimes with friends, and without teams, MCSG would be much easier and just boring.

Boosters= Same with hackers.


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think that tryhards are normal on MCSG , i do not hate them , they are just trying to play well and win a game . Like you or me :)

Hackers are little ****** ** ******* *** ** <3

Teams ; okay , i think that teams are good , they can be a challenge for some players , and players that do team , are just playing with his/her friends , that's good too :)

Boosters same with hackers xd

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