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Operdasher/SaltySeaDash - Meet the community


Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
I'm extremely bored right now, and i was exploring forums and decided, oh what the heck.
Name: Kyle
Nickname: Padge the Badge
IGN: SaltySeaDash (formerly operdasher)
Age: 16
Which region do you play on?: Land of the free, home of the brave
What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Probably being able to connect with people i would've never otherwise known.
One embarrassing moment in your life?: making this post lol
One cool fact about yourself?: I'm terrible at this game, yet people still talk to me
Which are your best friends in the Community?: Cali, Corey (i miss you bb), and alot of people who no longer play at all

When did you join MCGamer?: Me and Cali found these servers back in 7th grade, so around late 2012.
How did you find out about MCGamer?: I watched a video of the Yogscast playing Minecraft Hunger Games, and I immediately began searching for a server to play it on... this is the one I found.
PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: Pvp strengths: running, Pvp weakness: everything else
What is your favorite Gamemode?: UHCSG and Regular SG
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since about 2011, but I took a pretty big break from Early 2014 to about a month or so ago. I still don't really play it much but I just like to go on the forums now and again.
Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: CAmadeusA has helped me out quite a bit throughout the years, thats really the only one I can think of who is still a staff member (I think he's still a staff member)
What is your favorite SG map?: Survival Games 4. Hands down.
What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: Well, back when I was a sweaty little tryhard, my goals were to get 1000 wins (done), win a clan wars (I quit a couple months before the clan I was in won one :/), and I always wanted to be a staff member back in the day, but back then I was too young, and now I don't want to be one anymore.
Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: I don't watch MCGamer youtubers, but back in the day I was a big Blamph and Egrodo fan
What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I never really was a fan of Teamspeak, so I dont really have one
What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: Just all the experiences i've had. From developing a route on SG2, to getting lots of win milestones along the way, to meeting new interesting people, to leading and playing for clans, to helping my friends becoming some of the best players on the servers, to being able to remember back almost 4 years ago on all the times I've spent. It's been lots of fun. I might not play much at all anymore, but it was a fun ride.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, I remember seeing you around from way back! Cool to see you still around :D

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