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Operation Clean Sweep!


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
I really hope these mods can pull through and create a beautiful non-hack filled server, and better the pvp community. Maybe even calming the competitiveness in this community. Assuming the mods will come through, maybe this will influence other people not to hack. I would seriously hope hacking can be abolished. I don't expect you guys to view my post, but I'd like if you guys do. Even though there's a large doubt in my mind that it can be abolished, i'd imagine the amazing team of Moderators, Sr.Moderators, Owners, Admins, Vips ect.. can certainly put a number on the hackers. :)


Hey everyone!

As many of you know, we’re trying to tackle the hacker issues we have on our servers. As honestly, we have seen an increase in recent months. I personally play regularly and I understand how frustrating hackers are, and I’m going to help everyone out, with the help of our wonderful moderators, and hopefully you guys too! We’ve had past sweeps that were proven very effective for a short time. However the mod that was running them eventually resigned and the sweeps died out. But I want to be able to keep it going. With no faults or breaks in schedule. As admittedly, it needs to be a main focus, and we need to be able to see great results.

This is a way of letting you all know we’re getting things on the go! Lets get rid of these hackers! This project will be underway within the next few days.

Everyone gets involved. Either a Sr mod or Mod will host certain sessions. As there needs to be more sessions than just once a week. It will be done with 3 sessions throughout the week, each for 2 or 3 hours, and extra sessions on weekends as player count increases, during peak time for EU players. (roughly 6pm-7pm UK time.) So if you do find hackers, in these times particularly, do not hesitate to poke a mod who’s on the job. As said previously, we need and want results!

For those wondering about the other networks, don’t worry, we aren't forgetting the US network, as sweeps are being planned for the US network as well. We don’t want a single server being neglected. As well as that there are many other things to come to get rid of hackers, and make a big enough impact to better our in game experience!

However, our mods are there to help! And in order to do this, we want to be able to be there for you guys! We need your help too. If you have your own form of recording software, there is the report abuse section of our forums:
This really does help us out, as sometimes there isn't a clear way to get in contact with our mods. So please please please, use it! As there might be little perks for you guys in the future! Also, you are always free to use our teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.in) and poke any mod, when you find hackers.

All information of these sweeps will be stored within a spreadsheet, each session will be tracked and each mod will monitor how many bans they make during those particular sessions. This way we can see which servers need more moderation/less moderation. As well as being able to see if the sweep is making a difference towards the community in general!

Let do this!
What perks are you thinking of? :p -Great idea btw, as I sometimes wonder if uploadin the video (10 secs need 1hour for me) is really worth it. c:
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Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Um, i have never seen a fly hacker... I've seen other things but not fly. In fact, I'm pretty sure mcgamer has flying blocked. Are you sure its not just a platinum donor+ roaming the lobbies? You can not imagine how often I get called hacks on for flying in lobbies!
Sorry for such a late response but I assume you've heard of cmd it's easy to change the coding for the server just for you to fly or whatever. My friend wanted to try it and it worked (on a private server of course).

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