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One hell of a journey...


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I would like to open this up by saying thank you to all of you who have been with me on this journey.

I have been playing on these servers since August of 2012. I have gone through multiple stages of this community, including the transition to MCSGv2. I have been through the thick and thin of this community, and I would like to say my goodbye on a good note.

The Beginning
I started my journey in August of 2012, the only maps being Survival Games 1 and 2. Of course, I was awful for a large bit of time, and I constantly lost. I had played up until about October of 2012 where I decided to switch to the server of a YouTuber that I had watched a lot of: Skitscape. I had played on that server a bit (They had the terrible Survival Games plugin, gross), until I got to the point where I couldn't stand being 2 hit by some random guy with no armor. I continued to play MCSG along with my cousin, Pieceofcheez11 and an occasional random guy that I would add on Skype. At one point I actually got my first win (I can't even tell you the excitement). I'm not sure when, but sometime in December I ran into a guy in-game who recognized me, and told me to join him and his friends on Skype. His name was darkflame7 (Forum banned?). I added him and we would play a lot with some of the friends that he had. At this point I had gotten somewhat decent at the game, and would occasionally beat him. Through Darkflame I met the one guy whom mentored me at the game, and actually got me good. His name was Yomega. I played him after school every day, and we would just play away. We would typically play Moonlight Lake, since we had an OP route and would dominate every game. Eventually that became my favorite map, and I would love playing it.

The Clan Scene
Around late April of 2013, Yomega introduced me into the clan scene. He had joined an SG5 game where he was playing with his clan, the Hurricanes. I remember it being Captain | Lqzer and jcamotts playing with him, and they told me to join in, so I applied. Little did I know how much I would love clans. I played in Hurricanes on Skype constantly, and we had so much fun just playing. I would play with smallr , Eden , and toby22 on a daily basis. I grew a little closer to some of the Hurricanes members, but the clan slowly fell apart. After we lost to Forgotten in Clan Wars S2, the clan disbanded. Captain | Lqzer created United along with myself, Eden , and ThatCoolCucumber (Smerbo). The clan wasn't the best, to say the least. We won one battle, then proceeded to lose 4 in a row. Eden and I left on the same day for Sovereign, Epic_Frog_Song's clan. I eventually got Elite, but when he kicked some of the people that made me join in the first place, I had left for The Titans.

A New Era?
Of course, I wouldn't have realized that joining The Titans would've been the best decision of my entire career, and I did. I met my one best MCSG friend to date, along with some people who I've grown very close to. Some of them I've distanced myself from for reasons that even I can't understand.

Those people:
Special Shoutout: ChrisComedies

I had continued along with Titans for a good 2 months. We were openly known as the best clan in MCSG, and one that was a family. At one point, CruelDefiance had created a 1v1 tournament with some of the best MCSG players participating, so I decided to enter. I wouldn't have even guessed that I'd win. Each round was best of 3 excluding the last round, which was best of 5. I still remember this tournament in full detail, so I'll show who I played in which rounds.

-Round 1: Cern vs. TOXICWASTEII - Cern Wins 2:0
-Round 2: Cern vs. Sixorr - Cern Wins 2:0
-Quarterfinals: Cern vs. BomBashious - Cern Wins 2:1
-Semi-Finals: Cern vs. Hydrarealms - Cern Wins 2:0
-Finals: Cern vs. xXDA_MAKERXx - Cern Wins 3:2

The tournament came with a prize of $25, but Cruel never ended up getting it to me. I continued with Titans up to December 17, 2013, when the clan disbanded.

I decided to join The Rebels, led by Branbob83 at the time. It was a very tight knit group of people, but I didn't entirely fit in. My computer broke right before the final round of Clan Wars S1 (techaton), and I was never encouraged to come back and play with them when it was fixed, so I had decided to leave.

My next choice isn't one that I was very proud of. Lets just say that I joined Insanity, some things happened, and I got kicked.

Then night I was kicked, Auroraty|Kristie was talking about bring back Republic, so I joined it. I quickly went up the ranks, but when some complications happened and we had to rename it Ascension, I was granted Leader. I stayed in the clan for as long as I could, but people left and the remaining members became inactive. We had decided that our only chance was to try to merge with a clan, but we rushed into it a bit too quickly. We tried to merge with Eternity, it didn't work out, and we had just ended up disbanding Ascension.

The next few months kind of went in a blur. I joined a few clans that I didn't quite fit into, and ended up finding one that I had hoped to stay in. A brand new clan by Branbob83 , Trivium. I had loved it for the first few weeks, but when Zeno proposed the idea to bring Titans back, the pact that I had made with everyone from Titansv1 to join back when it was re-created took over me. Titans started out great again, but slowly fell. People became inactive, including Zeno. Titans disbanded again and most of us went to Rebels to help them out since they were close friends and were falling due to the creation of Elevate. I was the only one that didn't enjoy it again. At this point, I was growing distant from MCG. I had a sudden urge to start my own clan, so I rebanded Ascension.

Slowly Coming to a Close...
Ascension started out great again. I had some of the people who would hang out on the old Titans ts to join. Those people included: InfinitySx3 , geoman343 , EyeHasNoIdea , and TheFirstPixels. We had a great start, but played a bit too much Shockwave. People would become inactive, and my patience had slowly diminished at that point. I had no one to rely on to help me run the clan, and my school had just started. The stress got to me, and I stopped getting online for about a week. This led to the disbanding, again.

I kind of skidded through Protocol. When I didn't like the decisions the leader was making about said members and excessive amounts of UHC, I ended up leaving after about only a month.

I made a random decision to join Rivals, which was a great idea in the making. I didn't realize that I would enjoy playing with old friends as much as I did. (SportsFan2565 , Justin / Bullet , and Hks ) I still enjoy playing a lot of CS:GO with Rivals, and I will remain in the clan even after quitting. I have been in there for a bout 1.5 months now and plan for many more.

Thank You
I don't have enough time to shoutout everyone that I mentioned earlier, so I'll do the ones closest to me.

- ChrisComedies - Thanks for being awesome. Giving me the nickname of Cern, and making this whole experience just that much better.

- Auroraty|Kristie - You stuck with me through all those times since Titans. You led 2 clans alongside me, and I don't think I could ask for any more. When you come back, I'll teach you the ways of CS:GO and UHC.

- Zeno - Thank you for leading my favorite clan in my career. I will keep my ref position on the Leaderboards, and will help you when you need me.

Last edited:


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ok corn. I get it. im not importent. THATS FINE


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Wait wut ur quitting why ur about to get off the ubl ;-; but yeah I'll miss u pvp


Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
-tears- i nvr tlked to u or dndnt kno who u wer but i rmbr ur typing while recording cbs i miss it already

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
corn damn you were always so calm and collected you made one of the best officers or leaders of any group, you always gave respect and were given it back. you are one of the best of the mcsg competitive scene. i'll seeya bud, add me on skype noah.barrios and steam - slabz

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