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Okourbono - My MCSG Story

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Apr 18, 2012
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After looking back on all of this, I was all like DAMNNNNN. I first learned about MCSG from watching the community event that TeamVariede posted. I searched day and night until I finally found this same forum. Its changed a bit since then, but ill complain about that later ;) . As soon as MCSG went public, my life revolved around it. Even though I was awful at PVP lol. Then, back when SG1 was the only map, I saw this guy named Pedrownzz. This guy was an absolute legend. So, kinda like xBreakk, I just foolishly asked him to team. He said yes! When we came on skype I realized he was British, and I thought that was like the coolest thing ever haha.

Anyway, throughout that summer, I basically played about 35 MCSG games a day. That was when my pvp skills started rising! I started teaming with good people! People like Prosouth and Pedrownzz kinda taught me the ropes of a good PVP'er. My only problem was getting into stupid situations, so Pedro would always say,"Don't follow YOUR instincts, follow mine!"

A couple months or so passed when I saw that Pedro's Skype name had changed. It had "#TeamChrome" in it, and I was immediately interested. I asked him about it, and he said this guy named xBreakk and Theoretical are running it! I messaged xBreakk for a trial, and he said yes! I probably met 95% of my MCSG friends from Team Chrome. Flexvoid, Munnzeh, HalfSquirrel, a bunch of people! But this is where it gets really bad, really quick.

I was introduced to the world of hacking by one of my friends (who didnt know what MCSG was). I decided that maybe if I tried it out, I could be as good as some of the pros! I quickly learned that all hackers do is piss people off for personal gain. So, I stopped hacking, and haven't hacked since the release of SG3.

Team Chrome fell apart quickly after I joined, so Pedro and I broke off and started ggBD #1, a clan who's name was copied off VGHS. It never had a lot of people, but It felt good to be a part of a clan like that. So I stayed. Then it all kinda changed forever. Pedro got banned for hacking (which I dont know is true or not) so I basically had no one to play with. So, I asked my friend xMDurr if we would like to have a crack at it, and he immediately fell in love with it, just as I had.

xMDurr and I still play to this very day, and I still keep up with Pedro. I've met some pretty cool people here on the ol' MCSG network, and I'd sure as hell like to meet more.

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