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Obligatory Active Member Thank You Thread + MCSG Story


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Celebration time!

I also just realized that I’ve been on MCSG for a little over a year now! Do you know what that means? MORE CELEBRATION TIME!!

Anyways, I’ve finally hit active member and to celebrate, I’ve decided to be really mainstream and create a thank you thread for all my peeps, and also write out my “MCSG Story”. Let us begin!

Summer 2012

I got Minecraft sometime during the summer of 2012, and I fell in love with it immediately. I’ve always been a huge fan of open, sandbox games that let you do whatever you want, so Minecraft was basically perfect for me. These were however, what I like to call, the Dark Times. I was a major COD fanboy, was kicked off my school’s football team, and I eventually went through a pretty bad depression.


I don’t really want to go too into it, but I’d like to show you guys what you helped me get through! So, around the start of 7th grade was when I started becoming really heavily bullied. I was really short for my grade and my classmates (including the few people that I could consider friends) were always making me aware of it. Whether it’s constantly insulting me, or stealing my stuff and putting it in high places (I know haha) they were always trying to make sure that I knew I was weaker and smaller than everyone else. Some of my teachers even started called me names, but I digress. I was also kicked off of the school football team (Like I mentioned above) because I wasn’t as strong as the other kids. That day I went home, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen (My parents weren’t home) and I locked myself in my room. I remember lying down on my bed with the knife in my hands, contemplating suicide. Eventually, my parents came home and my mom walked into my room and saw me with the knife. My parents immediately signed me up for counseling (Which I’m still taking to this day) and a few months later, I went back to the person I was during the summer and started playing Minecraft again.


January-February, 2013

Around this time was when I finally watched the Hunger Games (My family couldn’t really afford to go to the movies so we always waited until it was out on RedBox) and I was immediately hooked on the concept of it. I also saw some of my favorite Minecraft Youtubers take part in a Minecraft-Style Hunger Games ( The one with AntVenom, CaptainSparkles, SeaNanners, etc.). It turned me into an even bigger fanboy of the Hunger Games than I already was. I started constantly searching for servers to play Hunger Games on, but I could never find one that felt like the authentic Hunger Games. That is, until I discovered the MCSG servers! Pls don’t hate, but I was actually a pretty big BajanCanadian fan and that was how I discovered MCSG. Anyways, moving on.

Spring, 2013

After 508 words, according to Microsoft Word, we finally made it to the beginning of my actual MCSG story! During the beginning, I was a complete nubscrub. The first person that I teamed with on a daily basis was named Hunt_Naruto. We were the bestest of friends but we were always arguing. I eventually found my way into the “Cookie-Monster Crew”. It wasn’t really a clan, It did eventually turn into one though, it was more of a group of friends that happened to have similar skins. The clan eventually broke up when the leader joined the newly formed Primeval. I still remain in touch with a few members of the Crew but most of them left MCSG entirely when the clan split up.

Summer, 2013

During the summer was when I finally became active on the forums. I made my account in February, but I wasn’t actually “Foruming” until the summer. I also reached 100 wins! (I know that may seem insignificant to a lot of you but it was a pretty big achievement to me back then) Woot woot! June was when I joined my first “real” MCSG clan. It was called the Brotherhood (later renamed to Element) it was fun while it lasted, and it introduced me to the concept of clans. Sadly (Well, depending on how you look at it), this is also when I started playing League of Legends. At the time, it was nothing more than something I played every now and then but it was also the start of my decline from playing MCSG (The servers I mean). This was also the time I started trying for mod. I was able to get an age exception, but sadly a previous ban for Rei’s Minimap stood in my way. I tried talking to a few senior mods and admins, but sadly it was to no avail.

September, 2013

My friend JustlThelWorst recommended that I apply for the Titans clan owned by the one and only Zeno .A lot of you may remember that it was one of the “Elite” clans in MCSG and I thought there was no possible way I could get accepted to a clan of that caliber. Nonetheless, I used all my Asian skills and wrote out a fairly good application (well, good enough to get me accepted) and I made it into the trial member phase. I played with them whenever I could (As school had started) and I eventually passed my trial. I was fairly active in the clan until the vast amounts of schoolwork started coming in and I began favoring League over MCSG. After not even a month in the clan, I left the Titans and I also left the MCSG servers completely.

Fall, 2013

I still played MCSG off and on until November, when my parents received my trimester 1 report card and saw that I had a B+ in math. They took away all of my electronics and said I could only use it during the weekends. I like to say that this is one of the main reasons it took me this long to finally get active member. During the weekends when I was finally able to use my computer, I used most of that time to play LoL.

December, 2013-January, 2014

Because of my punishment, not a lot of events really happened during this time period. I joined the “Casual MCSG’ers” clan and met a bunch of new friends. I also played a lot of factions with them during holiday break.

February-March, 2014

Trimester 2 report cards came out and I have straight A’s again meaning my punishment has been lifted and I can once again, no life the forums.
That concludes my long (And very boring) MCSG story!

@sidewalks: Thanks for keeping me off the streets

Gravity: Thanks for keeping me down to earth

@cookiemonstercrew: Cat_On_A_Poptart , cmk950003 , Snickers, ImNotAFK13 Cheese2Creeper , Andreww, and BigDoop01 If any of you see this, thanks for being one of my first MCSG friends. Miss you guys! Thanks for all the great moments

billyguy1 : One of the coolest people on the planet, always there for me whenever I have a panic attack, and just a really great person overall. Love ya bro
Even thought I still wanna kill you because Michigan State beat Stanford

BROTHERHOOD / Element: TylerthePandaHD , hyperfuse03 , Cat_On_A_Poptart , ThappleTree ,Fox , i_sUcK_002 , justin9cat , MJM239 , degruch9910 ,@EveryoneIForgotCauseBadMemory Thank you all for providing me with memories that will remain with me for a long time (That Element Clan Chat was one of the best things of all time)

Beyoncé :Even though we got off on the wrong foot, thanks for helping me and always being nice to me :)

Claps :You're never on the forums anymore, but you're easily up there with billy as one of the coolest people on the planet (Everyone reading this right now is also high up in that list). Thanks for being able to relate with me and being an awesome friend.

Cat_On_A_Poptart cmk950003 :You guys have been my longest lasting friends in MCSG. Thanks for being awesome throughout the entire time!

TheMangoTiger :Haven't really talked to you that much, but you seem like a really awesome person!

Pixelatorx2 :My Canadian bro. GL if you're still pursuing moderator :p

Brownieee :I don't really know you that well, but from what I can tell you're a very nice person and is pretty funny as well!

Mlpoknzaba Darn your Cardiff for ruining our road trip! Anyways thanks for being your amazing British self :p

Zaex :My league buddy (Even though we barely play cause I suck) you have an amazing personality and you're insanely nice!!! Keep being yourself :p GL in becoming a moderator as well :)

Beardy :My fellow Patriots fan. Don't worry, we'll get 'em next year ;)

JustlThelWorst :My nubnub. Sorry you got banned. Thanks for all the awesome moments me, you, and Ticcy Tac had.

Zeno :Thanks for giving me a chance with the Titans. I'm sorry I didn't live up to everything I said.

@EveryoneInTitans : ChrisComedies ScrewYouGumby2 OTSchauzer iancool Butterballer JustlThelWorst Even though my stay there was brief, I could tell why you guys were such a feared clan. You have amazing teamwork, and all of you were really fun to play with.

ToeKnee :My main wolf. My main Asian wolf.

hyperfuse03 :Sing me the ABC's.

ThappleTree :You're gone now, but I'd still like to say thanks for making the Element chat awesome. Love you hubby<3

Aedrift :You're also gone now, but thanks for introducing me to so many amazing people!

DQ :We never talk anymore but I miss you! Thanks for providing me with some hilarious memories and really fun gaming sessions :)
Please let me know if I forgot about you, I have a pretty bad long term memory. Anyways, thank you all so much for making this journey so worthwhile! Here's to another year!
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May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats, welcome to the club.
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Yay c: Congrats on active member, Calvin! It's been a good run :) Welcome to the club!
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Mar 30, 2013
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Congrats on Active Member, Calvin! I got a seat in the club with your name on it ;)


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Well you are always energetic and upbeat, and I know whenever I'm feeling down, your energy just rubs off on my. Congrats on active member man <3
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Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
I always thought of you as a really nice person. And I'm glad you have reached active member c:

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