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NitroKing2110-Meet The Staff


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Jakob
IGN(s): NitroKing2110
Nickname(s): Dr. Jakob
Age: 15
Region: USA-Pacific Time (San Fransisco Area Represent!)

One Cool Fact: I give shots to livestock, namely pigs.
One Embarrassing Fact: Too many to count, but the one that takes the cake is bringing school maintenance to the elevator stating my key doesn't work. (Yes, my school elevator requires keys. This is so random kids don't go in and do things they shouldn't.) Turns out, I was using the wrong key, and the key I needed was literally right next to the one I was using. Many facepalms were had by the staff.
One Fact that makes you proud: I currently hold the school record for most consecutive computers repaired in an hour. And I'm just a little freshman.
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I wear hearing aids.
Most Common question you get asked: Can you hear me now?
Favorite Animal: Pigs, duh.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who believe that once my pig is on exhibit at the fair, they can do whatever the heck they want to without regard for safety. In other words, idiots.
Personal Catchphrase: "You can never have too much explosives" (I also do some rocketry, so yeah.)
Heard about MCG by: This guy named Patrick.
First friend in the community: TLerDaily (Also a mod, we spent HOURS in the waiting room together.
MCG role-model: Tal_Pal
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I have given shots to 100 pigs exactly, built and launched a small rocket 2300 feet in the air, and repaired 5 computers in an hour.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Chad, I suck at PVP.
Call me maybe? Depends.
Do you team in game: Only with IRL friends.
Have you been backstabbed: Not yet.
Ever Broken a bone: No, but I've rolled my ankle.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Birds, birds can fly.
Personal Skills: Anything related to computers/IT, veterinary stuffs, acting like a lawyer (and a good one at that)
Computer specs: 4 GB RAM, Intel I5 processor, Acer laptop.
Computer operating system: Windows 8 (Hate me all you want, I actually enjoy it.)
Program I use to record: Fraps.
What does a fox say? "Stop trying to guess what I say. I'm a freaking fox, I can't talk!"(Internal dialogue)
Terrified of: Spiders, math teachers.
Dream job: Lawyer.
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: See above.
Favorite thing about the community: Generally, people are supportive and nice.

When I am online: Varies during school year, usually weekends.
Previous moderating experience: A lot. I've been an admin, a mod, owner (that failed since I don't have money), and a head of staff.
Been a member of staff since: Mid August.
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG, hub.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: Be known as the mod that does his job but doesn't have a stick up his rear, be the voice of players who don't have one.

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