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My view of MCG

Mar 22, 2015
Reaction score
Hello community. I made a thread about ranting yesterday, and I want to explain it a little more in detail. First of all, ranting is most of the time, the wrong thing to do. I know there can be good rants, like GoldEllipses' boosting rant, but many are meant for flame. And more than 80% of the time, the rants are about the staff. Now community, think about what the staff has done for MCG. Without staff, this server would be a dud. People like Ceroria, Dusk, OhFancy, KitMencha, and many more staff help this server stay together. The staff all have the choice to leave. Instead they devote their time into our community making it a better place. ChadTheDJ easily would have been able to sell MCG a long time ago to irresponsible owners and lived a normal life. But he didn't. To this day he continues to make it a better place. Now when you rant, its making things worse. Staff have left the servers partially because of the stress of the ranting and flame. Ranting gets you know where. People say some ranting is good, and that is right, however, its constructive ranting. Suggesting and building the server up. I know a lot of players rant about boosting and "unfair" bans. However, your going to have to deal with it. It isn't like the staff have a command like /banall boosters. They ban them 1 by 1 everyday. Same with hackers. For bans, there are many times where you got banned for a fair reason, you just don't agree. By the staff banning those certain people, it helps this community become a more friendly place.

I hope this helps clear somethings out. Leave your opinion below.
Thank you,


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Some people think ranting and criticism is the same. When you rant, you're just complaining about the server, not even giving us ways to improve. When you criticize us, you tell us what we might be doing wrong, and how we can improve. I also want to say that we do listen to the community. We hear lots of suggestions on ways to improve the server, many things we did were based on the community's decision.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
The main thing I want to get across to people on matters like this is that there is a fine line of difference between constructuve criticism types of complains and rants, and then there are angry, negative, and unhelpful types of rants (<- the ones that get locked).

If someone has a good idea, they should send a proposal to us in the Feature Suggestions section because those are looked at. If you are encountering a problem and it makes you and others frustrated, you need to turn to us, the staff, for change. Just make sure you're doing it in a respectful manner because most staff members don't respond well to angry, pointed accusations.

The thing that most people must keep in mind is that not all staff members are the same. A lot of staff members take things very seriously and can be defensive, so if you want your rant to go far, don't be pointed or accusatory in it.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
The main thing I want to get across to people on matters like this is that there is a fine line of difference between constructuve criticism types of complains and rants, and then there are angry, negative, and unhelpful types of rants (<- the ones that get locked).

If someone has a good idea, they should send a proposal to us in the Feature Suggestions section because those are looked at. If you are encountering a problem and it makes you and others frustrated, you need to turn to us, the staff, for change. Just make sure you're doing it in a respectful manner because most staff members don't respond well to angry, pointed accusations.

The thing that most people must keep in mind is that not all staff members are the same. A lot of staff members take things very seriously and can be defensive, so if you want your rant to go far, don't be pointed or accusatory in it.
You and words omg.

Couldn't have said it better.


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
This is a very interesting topic. When I was first a mod, this kind of ranting and negative attitude, existed for a while, and throughout MCGamer history, this has always happened. It's a problem that may never go away due to the nature of humans and teenagers specifically. However, that does not mean we shouldn't at least attempt to amend anything. In all of my time here, I've ran into this situation countless times, and I've tried to help it, and it has worked. I just want people to know that as hectic and dramatic this place can be, we have to strive for a better future and strive for a community. People need to release their ill-will towards everything and focus on repairing and not fighting. If someone came to me and said "I need help SG broke and hackers" I would try to help, but if someone came to me, and insulted me and harassed me, what am I supposed to do? I try my best, and so do the other staff members, but the community is the one who also has to try. I'm not gonna blame the community, but everyone has to pull their weight if we want to make MCGamer the fun place we all fell in love with. I have not given up, and will never give up, and neither should anyone else who cares about this place. We can do this, don't give up. Drop the negativity that's preventing you from working with people, and open your eyes and mind to what everyone else has to say as well.

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
*Scrolls past rant*

*Lots of interesting long replies*

Hmm, must've been a interesting topic, well, I'm out.

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