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My thank you note to Bic.


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Through all the times that you have yelled at me, that old style MCSG attitude of yours has helped me mature into the mod I am today. Although we rarely talked, the impact of the few conversations that we have had (in relations to moderating) have made you the only person that I looked up to in the administrative team. I apologize to the other administrators, I like you guys to; but there was no admin who set me straight more than bic.

As the staff member with the longest time served, it is truly incredible that you can sustain the duties of mod, sr.mod, community manager, and admin; and not completely lose your mind. You conducted my interview, and I will never forget those words " We have good news and bad news." I remember how people would tell me "I was scared of bic at first, but after a while he's not so bad." I feel like the only person who has never been afraid of you (and I mean that in a good way) and I have always thought of you as a teddy bear. I personally have no clue why that is and I won't sit here for longer trying to figure it out.

I remember seeing you once when I was just a little newbie. The respect I had for you then carries over to the now, and the fact that I have met you now amplifies that respect greatly.

Respect is the one word that can be used to describe how I think about you. It describes the way that you have have inspired me. It describes the way you have made me, and what makes me respect you even more is how you have had the largest impact on how I handle myself in MCSG, yet, we've talked only around 8 or 9 times (at the most).
When I looked at your profile, your name always just speaks "MCSG". When you look at that guy (bic) the first word that pops into your mind is MCSG. I always thought of you as the face of MCSG. You have inspired me to become that, it may not have the same effects considering I wasn't very active in the community until around 1 year ago today, but I still want to be able to retire as someone who can be respected, and be respected as much as I respect you.

Bic, you have inspired me in just about everything that I do in MCSG.

Time to close this messy piece of writing... I have never done a thank you letter to anyone before, I think it would be appropriate for you to be the first. So I would like to say thanks to not the oldest staff member, but rather my MCSG role model, the man who made me a mod, and the man who turned me into the mod I am today.
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Some bittersweet music came on from the movie my mum and dad were watching upstairs as I started reading that, it just made the atmosphere so much better.

In all seriousness, why does this have no replies? I don't understand xD But I agree with you, Bic isn't that scary and is a really nice guy. I agree with everything you said.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Bic was one of the cherrys on the cake along with Col_Star
They have done so much together. They deserve alot more credit.

One conversation can mean anything. And Bic was one of the people who can change everything.

Thank you bic for your help :D


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I was going to make one of these myself a while back as a thank you to Bicentennial_Man . He was a Sr. Mod when i first got mod and shortly after the loss of karoleigh, nooby and c4 he was promoted to admin along with bessemer, aeruner and bowlosoup. I never really had many issues as staff although there was one incident where a particular admin wanted me fired and bic stood his ground and said that i was exceptional at what i did and he had no grounds to want me gone. Bic stood for what was right in this community and the fact of the matter is the way he was treated towards the end of his admin role was awful.

Bic never stop believing in yourself as this community wont forget you. You were always a great guy and i remember all the good times we have had together. I remember the meetings where things got sidetracked a bit and we discussed if we had a staff hunger games irl who would win :p If i remember correctly you were one of the favourites to win and we all agreed chad would be beaten to a pulp at first chance. Anyway I am rambling :p Thanks for everything you did, you were a great member of staff and friend to all.

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