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My story


Jul 27, 2012
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What's gouch (UpdatinStatus), today I'm going to be writing my MCSG story.

So, it all started when my IRL friend told me about the server. When I logged on there was only 2 maps which where Survival Games 1 & Survival Games. We played a few games and I wasn't very good at it. Around 2 weeks Survival Games 3 released and this is where I met one of my greatest Beta friends Eshan and then later Dozer.

Every weekend we would call and then one day Eshan told me to apply for his clan "Nitride". He told me all about clan battles and TheSlimeArmy and how they were our rivals. Most days I would stay up late to talk to some of the Nitride members. Around 2 weeks later Eshan got moderator and I recall things went to go downhill so I left and continued playing by myself.

After I left Eshan started to livestream every Sunday morning and that was fun. I enjoyed going into lobbies and playing with my friends at the time which were Valethar, TeIIo, KiNNEY, iProGames, Plug ;), Ethan1126, Echo/Haydn, mekval, Chezerony maybe ExKing and many more. The livestreams usually lasted for 2 hours and were extremely fun. This carried on for weeks maybe even months. Then one time after a livestream I had the idea to start up an even called the MCSG Rangers, the thread can be found here (after digging around for a while I managed to find the video that Eshan made of it). This was one of the highlights of my time at MCSG. Sooner or later Eshan got banned for starting rumors or something like that and our group all split.

I started to talk to some of the US players such as Torchy, Mooclan, Krafty & SilverJakler, they told me about Elite Squad and how I should apply for it, I applied and was accepted. Mooclan, SilverJacker and I (sometimes TorchScar) played SG with each other every weekend. We weren't the best but we had so much fun playing with each other, later alot of drama within the clan happened and TorchScar decided to disband it. Mooclan tried to start it up again but it didn't last long

I branched over to the AU servers which had just released at the time. I talked to many people that I don't talk to today such as darkai202, Billabongboy98, zandacool, Invinsible_Jelly, Lululioness & DemonXportol almost everyday after school I would talk to these people. I went down to Sydney for Christmas that year and read on forums that XxGagaxX & Darkai202 made the clan AU rebels, this clan was stacked and included the best of the best AU players with @sazaking, Damoisawesome and many OP players. Soon a clan called the KCC was made by Ninga and the KCC and the AU Rebels hated each other. When both clan were in games together they would be swearing at each, abusing each others clan, It was crazy.

I took a 2 month hiatus from in-game from February 2013 - April 2013 and when I came back I saw that both the KCC disbanded and the AU Rebels disbanded to become Phoenix (soon to be AU Forgotten). I took a shot at applying for Phoenix but was denied due to the lack of wins and knowing next to nobody in the clan. At this time Elisha was #1 and MCSG had just made Global leaderboards. Elisha was extremely good and him and 5_hawn were honestly the team to beat, they had the skill and the teamwork to take out any other team of two and could easily take out anyone by themselves.

Around June 2013 or something around that Australia got servers that were actually hosted in Australia rather then Singapore. All of the Asians that played started a petition for Asia server and they soon added them with Canadian servers. I didn't play much of either servers. At this time Term 3 of school ended for me so I basically played MCSG for the whole 2 week break. When school started I took a huge break from MCSG as I was being loaded with Assignments and Exams. I don't know much from here but when I came back (November) Phoenix and Apex were the top clans reigning over AU.

After seeing the amount of hackers, teams and no-lifers in the AU region I decided to switch to US. I decided to start this of by applying for Republic, owned by TheKidz101 and @mikeyman209. This clan was my home for many weeks. I went to Sydney again for Christmas and still remained active in Republic but didn't participate in any scrims. I went camping for a week and had no internet when I got back Republic disbanded.

Later I joined some randy clans but Reublicv2 happened. It had a lot but not all of the members from Republic. I stayed in this clan for 2 weeks to a month. I enjoyed talking to the members of this clan and participating in scrims but later left due to when I did that it was only on weekends and whenever I got home from school no one was ever on.

This is when I applied for Eternity, Eternity was probably one of the best clans I ever joined (apart from my in my first scrim when I died in corn UpdatinStatus) this clan had many outstanding players and it felt like a family. Every night I talked to the members of this clan and made probably one of my best MCSG friend UpdatinStatus. A lot of the key members of the clan left which left Native to disband it.

After that this leaves me where I am today, I want to tag some people that have had an Impact on my time here at MCSG yo:

Valethar, TeIIo, KiNNEY, iProGames, Plug, Ethan1126, Echo/Haydn, mekval, Chezerony - you guys were in the MCSG Power Rangers event which was honestly the best moment in my MCSG career and Eshan's live streams which was one of the most memorable things in my MCSG career. I know atleast half of you wont see this but I just want to thank you

Torchy, Mooclan, SilverJakler - The Elite Squad days were the best. You guys were probably some of my favourite members in the clan c:

Billabongboy98, zandacool, Invinsible_Jelly & RokMelon - I remember the weekends when we would all talk, although 3 of you wont see this :c

@darkai2012 - You were cool when we talked, but you usually banned me from the Phoenix TS

Auroraty|Kristie TheKidz101 - Honestly Republic was probably one of the better clans I have been in. The members made this clan what it was.

@Virtine - You are the funniest person I have ever met, you always agree when I say I'm better then you ;)

RedRavenMC - You're cool, we don't talk much but when we do we always have a blast. ily

Sixorr - Sixorr is love, Sixorr is love. Aha :)

UpdatinStatus Prophesies - Honestly you two are probably the best people I've got to know/talk to. I hope you guys can make it out of corn.

That's it if I forgot you PM ME AND I'LL ADD YOU (If I've ever talked to you, lol).

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