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My Story

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Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
My story on MCSG. Well, where should I start? I started playing a lot earlier than people might think I had. I started about 1 week after the servers first came out, and by that I mean April 2012. I was a pretty large noob to pvp by then, only recently getting into the pvp scene, I was more of a survival guy. I was digging around pvp servers when I found one that had the theme of the hunger games. I had only heard of the hunger games because I was in a phase that lasted about 1 month where I was doing everything that's NOT mainstream (is there a name for this lol?). I was a pretty big noob for about a month. I was that guy that was always at 0 points, no wins, got maybe 1 kill a day. I would team in the lobby. I met a couple cool guys that way, a couple of them I still talk to once in a blue moon, like DarkSerpent, twinswoodleif (who i have not seen in a year), and actually @Soul (sorry soul for the tag, you probably don't remember me xD). Anyway, got my first win a little bit before SG3/Breeze came out, but I wasn't satisfied because I only got the win due to the other player leaving. About a week later I got my actual pvp win. I would play SG with a couple of my IRL friends because it was fun, but I didn't really know many people on MCSG. That all changed when an old player who quit a while ago, oneambitiond, made a clan with a couple of his friends like @Nshock and @LongCross. I applied and played with them for a bit, I even won a game against the 3 of them. They quit shortly after though, I think we could've been great friends. Around this time is when I started getting a lot of wins. I joined several failed attempts at clans and/or clans that didn't really go anywhere, like the Sentinels or Kings. I continued playing with my IRL friends but still lacked some MCSG friends. Then I started playing with Katz4Sale and gavinawesome, who I sadly don't talk to anymore. They were pretty chill guys, I'd play with them every couple of days or so, and it was fun ^-^. Skipping ahead a bit, I joined the Royals. They were cool guys, but I felt that they weren't mature enough, so I then joined the clan United, with CaptainJS. And from there, I really started to become friends with people on MCSG. United disbanded, but I joined the new and improved Organization, which is in full swing now. I know everyone in the clan and it's just a wonderful feeling to know that you can build these kind of friendships with people that you've never even met in real life! I hope to continue these great memories, but sadly I can't be as active as I once was. I'm still on a helluva lot. In fact, once in a couple of days it may seem like nothing has changed. But my real life takes priority (wait what am I talking about no it doesn't), so I want my friends to know that I can still be there, all you gotta do is give Blazer a call :)

Thanks to

twinswoodleif, the best noob ever

@CaptainJS , for introducing me to some pretty cool people.

@Yured , for getting me started in my clan phase.

@Dark_Serpent , we don't talk much anymore but you're pretty awesome.

And the entirety of Organization, who are all pretty chill guys (except @cowman213 , who is a pretty chill cow)


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
You were a part of that circle? o.o Sorry, I don't remember many people :p But, glad that you knew me back then xD


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
I was a noob for a LONG time back in November when I first joined, but those were my most memorable times. :)
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