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My story


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, my name is Blake. I've been playing MCSG for 2 years now. I've tried to keep as much as my time here as a secret, but I feel I need to let everyone know what's happened to me in my time here. And to the staff reading this, feel free to edit out anything that isn't allowed to be posted here and message me the reason as to why it was removed instead of just deleting the thread or moving it. Anyway, onto my story.

I began playing around this time in 2012. I originally played COD with friends from school. One day they told me to get Minecraft. I had watched videos on youtube and thought it was boring but they assured me it was good so I decided to get it. Once I had my own account I joined a small faction server that my friends gave me the IP for, this was my first game on computer so I wasn't great with the controls or being able to do anything fluently. Afterwards I told them it was boring and that it was a bad game, boy was I wrong. They convinced me to join a US mcsg server. I connected into a game and they told me I had to wait. I ended up waiting for the lobby to begin, annoyed at my friends for thinking they were just wasting my time. Once a new game started I found myself starving, lost and alone in the forests of SG1. My friends had already died and I was left alone until I found someone who had much better gear. I tried to fight them, but I was too bad to even hit them. I ended up leaving the server, disappointed and annoyed once again. The next day I rejoined for some reason, I had a strange addiction to this game that I was so bad at. I played a few rounds and kept losing but I still kept playing. About a week later I got over it and started playing COD again.

A month later I started playing again, and by this time there were servers hosted in Australia. I found out by a kind person in my game asking me why I was lagging so badly and told them I was Aussie, they told me that servers had come out recently so I decided to check them out. I joined one, waited for the lobby to end, started the next game. I was amazed at how much better it was, even though it was still hosted in Singapore. I continued to play on AU for a long time, and eventually got my first ever win. I was playing on Breeze Island and I was left in DM vsing MiningPieCraft , I was nervous because he was one of the top AU players of the time and I was still really bad. However back then there was a glitch where some people would be invisible, so he was unable to see me the whole fight. I know it may seem like a cheap way to get my first win, but it still meant a lot for me. Slowly I got more and more wins, eventually making it to the top 100 for Australia. I was sitting on 33 wins, and somehow rank 100 on the AU regional leaderboards. In my time to reaching the top 100 I had made several friends, all of which I owe for making the early days of MCSG enjoyable for me. None of them really play anymore, and it really sucks cos they were all really cool guys and gals :c .

Soon after this my IRL friends stopped playing MC and went back to COD so I was stuck on whether I should stay or not. I had not really been introduced to the community yet, and I only used the website to look at the leaderboards. So I made the decision to try and play both, but that didn't last long. I eventually swayed towards Minecraft and started playing even more. I had started to become well known, mainly due to my massive rage tantrums. It was around this time I got my first ever ban, for Inappropriate Language. I swore at my mate in all caps because he ran around corn for the whole DM, and since there was no lightning slowly coming towards the middle he could just keep running on Breeze. I raged at him, and now I realise how sad that is xD . So after my first ban, I returned to playing again. I got banned a couple of extra times for other reasons I can't remember, but nevertheless I got banned twice more. I ended up meeting 2 friends, by the names of Brodina5 and lingouiny117 . They introduced me to Teamspeak and told me to get a forum account. I eventually did, I joined their channel and there I met 'Thesneakygeeky , Sporangia , Le0 and krackan . Leo and Spor were the first staff members I ever talked to and I was afraid of them xD Now I know that they're just soft and cuddly people but at the time it was worrying for me.

After this I climbed the AU regional leaderboards, eventually making it to the top 10. By this point I was well known in the region and became good friends with the other high ranked players. These people I met were darkai202 , MiningPieCraft , Elisha , FastFish14 , Billa and Hend . We became good friends and made an unstoppable team. Slowly my friendships cut off with these people and left me with only my new staff friends to go talk to. One day, I was on Teamspeak talking to Ninga . We were having a 1v1 and I just killed him. He told me he was recording and that I had ghosted after the fight, making it appear I had sprint particles under my feet. We both knew it wasn't hacking and he decided to report it as a joke. I then proceeded to get perm banned for something that clearly wasn't hacking, and was my first offense for hacking. I was annoyed and went on teamspeak to try and get help. This was the first time I ever met Dave . He was a new mod at the time along with my friend Ling. I talked to him, and he talked to a Sr Mod named Frondome . Frondome too was convinced I was hacking, but after discussing it for a long time he unbanned me. From then on I made sure I never broke any rules.

As time passed by I made my way to the top 5 in the regional leaderboards. I had a goal to make it to atleast rank #3. Then something terrible happened, I got banned at 498 wins. The reason for this was "Previous Bans being turned Perm". I didn't really know what it meant at the time and asked for some clarification from my friends. They told me it was because of my past bans that I was meant to be perm banned but I never received it when I should of. So I was upset, I couldn't play the game I enjoyed so much. I couldn't afford an alt, and had tried several ban disputes. Then I saw a thread saying anyone who was in exactly my position had to post a new ban dispute and they would be unbanned. I was overjoyed, I quickly posted a new ban dispute with high hopes, but it was still upheld. My ban was supposedly a special exception to the new rule, for no apparent reason. I tried talking to staff about it, seeing their opinions and nearly every staff member said I shouldn't have been perm banned. But 2 Sr Staff members had a strong dislike for me, no clue why as I had never really talked to them. And I stay banned for a few months. Eventually Ling and another one of my friends, chatni , talked with Chad about getting me unbanned. With much luck Chad unbanned me, and I was free to play again.

I played for months after this and quickly climbed back up the leaderboards. It was like starting again, not really being known by all the new players. People quickly thought of me as a hacker and I started receiving massive amounts of harassment. I just ignored it all and kept playing, until I met a new friend called Weary . He asked me to join the clan he was in, I was only around 600 wins at this time and thought people wouldn't want me in that much. This was the first Minecraft clan I ever joined. I joined Apex and became good friends with all the members. At first I was an outcast within the clan, due to people not knowing me and some thinking I was a spy cos Kaine (RIP) recommended me for the clan >.< . I became good friends with everyone fast, and they were possibly the nicest people I have ever met in this community. I remember my first ever clan battle, I was the only one left and there were 3 people left in the other clan. I somehow managed to kill them all and gained massive respect from the rest of the clan.

Around this time I was told I was going to get VIP. This was because while I was banned I helped make Fallen Empire, and since I was banned I couldn't get VIP. I was shocked, thinking that it couldn't be real but it was. I logged in one day after school and saw I had a purple name. It was an amazing feeling to have a special rank. I quickly got the usual crap about VIP, with people saying stuff like "omg u got vip for placing 1 block in bad map wow wtf!!!" I just laughed it off and kept playing as usual, reaching my 1000th win around this time.

Not too long after I was told my bans might be pardoned. This meant I had a chance at getting moderator. I wasn't the first person to have all my bans pardoned, but I was the first person who has been perm banned before to receive this. I spent a week or so writing a massive mod app, hoping I made no mistakes in it so I could get mod. Within 30 seconds of posting it, it got set to Pending (dont ask me). Then about a week later my app was accepted for interview. I waited a few days on the Teamspeak and eventually had my interview. I was interviewed by Antster360 , Bowser52000 , Dave and KellieBreanne . I was really nervous, but I managed to pass my interview. I received mod and was over the moon. Within my first day of mod, rumours were already spread about me and I just continued to shrug it off.

I was hated by the AU community, with regular DDOS attacks from a certain group of people. I was getting constant harassment every time somebody got banned, even if I didn't ban them. I kept trying to keep putting up with it all. Eventually things got better, I started making new friends but losing my old friends at the same time. I reached the top 25 in the world at this point, at my peak. But I just got sick of it all and resigned from mod. I joined Phoenix straight after, because they are who make MCSG any fun at all for me. I still got my VIP back initially, but due to recent events it was taken off of me.

So this is what's happened to me at MCGamer. I've had several amazing accomplishments in my time here such as:
  • Becoming a VIP
  • Becoming a Mod
  • Receiving Mod of the Meeting
  • Reaching rank 23 in the world
  • Reaching rank 4 in Australia
  • Being the first ever perm banned player to get mod
  • Having helped make multiple maps on MCSG
  • Reaching rank 9 in MCTF2
  • Becoming a Friend on MCTF2 when they were separate
Thanks to everyone who's read this whole thing, this is probably the biggest thing I'll ever post on this site and I'm glad people took the time to read it all. I don't really know what I'm going to do from now on, I don't play Minecraft much but I don't really like to do much else.
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Good story. I realised you don't have VIP, but why you didn't get friend for being Mod :confused:

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