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My story of how i found Minecraft/MCSG


Oct 8, 2013
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October 3rd 2010 It was one day when i got bored of skating. I invited my friend over! His name was... Cruze he brang his laptop over and played this game i asked 'Hey dude! What are you playing?' he replied with 'Minecraft, have you heard of it, it is the new awesome game. You should have a crack at it. It is alot of fun!' So i tried it out i didn't know how to move i used the up,left,right,back keys instead of. W,A,S,D then he taught me alot about the commands/crafting recipes. The next year and a half came past like a bang, i bought my own quite decent computer. It ran a solid 60fps (at that time, i didn't know what 'FPS' was) and my parents wouldn't let me buy a Minecraft account until that day, it was the most happiest day of my life when i found out i could buy Minecraft. So i bought it and further on played it for a year! November 17th 2012 that was when i started getting bored of Minecraft. (at that point i didn't know what a server was.) I looked up fun things on Minecraft... And i learnt about Multi-Player/Servers my first ever server was this server called McPvP! It was a Teams/Factions/Survival server, i would have found it not enjoyable at all if i played it now :p. But i joined my friends team i met on skype, and we called alot his name was Mitchell. He was a best friend of a lifetime, then maybe about 3 months later. He said 'Hey, Kahu im gonna join MCSG' I asked, 'what's MCSG?' He showed me more about Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) at that point i played 100 games & never one a single one of them. I was so bad, but thought i was soo good. And found it more entertaining then i do now (due to the hackers there are now.) And i started playing more competitively and bought a mouse in 2013 October 21st and i started to learn what flint and steel was for, and working bows,rods, and clicking faster. And getting more kills it got way more intense and harder & more fun in general. At that point that's when it all began... My first clan was #Orbit it was a great clan i loved it, it disbanded nearly 3 times. But every time i came back to it every time it came back! The owner & I became pretty decent friends, but i furtherly quit MCSG for 2 months. Which means i quit clans, and when i came back i bought diamond donator, for MCSG. And i started playing competitively again, when i came back most of my old friends quit aswell. I never saw them again after that day i came back. But, i met new friends a few months later which was last month (August) they went on to being one of the best friends i've ever had (seatgrab,russellonline,jbrigg,Yuidf10002 (ItzHawk) ValuableGooie and more!) I can't thank you guys enough for the best life every single one of my friends i have made luv you all! and thanks for reading my story about how i got into MCSG/Minecraft. Love you all bye!


Mar 22, 2014
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See ya sir, I hope you have a nice life! :D

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