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My story, My Mcsg Expedience ;-;


Jul 18, 2013
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"What a winy baby I am, oh how whiny I am. I like to look down on myself for the way that I am, because no one's fault but my own for the way my life is, right?"-Me I am a regular guy/kid I say. I am only 12, getting tired of saying I am 13, I'm not. This Is just a story, of how I got into the mess that I am into, and how mcsg helps a little. Let's start with my life, I am so pathetic. Might be thinking I shouldn't be judging myself, but all I do Is look at the bad side of my life, and not the little good I have and need to appreciate. And I am so aghast of the situation I got myself into, It goes a little like this: Well, when I was 5, my mom died, and when I was 4, my dad died. I would like to start off saying this is not a sob sob story either, I despise pity, but maby that's my problem, mayby I am just to amaurotic to see people care for me... Anyways, when I was 6 I started losing my mental state and pulled out a knife on my brother, threatening him, and later that year considering suicide. I was taken In by my grandparents, which was a bad thing. I honestly can't thwart them. Again, not trying to beg/ask for pity, this Is just how It is... I have a cousin who comes up my house who sometimes I wish I could just kill, considering my grandparents treat him like a God, and treat me like a piece of dirt on the ground, not caring for me, nor have they ever. As you might see, I am into poems, not so much poems, but rapping. I have a poem I would show to you if you would like me to in the second part of this. Why am I typing this If I don't want pity? Well, November, this month, or December makes a year on mcsg, oh how time fly's. This story is all over the place, sorry I just have so much to express about myself... I have about 10 people I like talking to, 7 of them being girls, and 3 of that 10 know everything about me, and I know everything about them. Helps me to know what people go through, lets me know I'm not alone, I'm not just some random kid who hides his depression, not just some guy who probably will grow up to be a psycho, not someone who the only thing keeping him from suicide is school, and school Is getting worse and worse considering the one girl I actually like probably doesn't know I exist, why does It matter though? What would I do with a girlfriend? It just depresses me seeing my friends getting there loves, I could not be more happy for them, just that I can't seem to find someone I actually like to like me back. I am just another fish in the sea, just another person in the bunch, nothing special, so why would someone like me? This Is Part 1: If you would like a part 2, I wouldn't mind, if anyone even cares about this part :3


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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The cow side of me nearly bent its knees, tipped over, and cried its heart out.
And the human side of me.. wait what human side >_>

You're not just another fish in the sea.... you're a freakin' COW in the sea! Get out there, make a splash, go make a difference! Wear a suit and sunglasses to school one day, and then the next day when people are like "Why were you wearing that fancy stuff?" say "What fancy stuff?" and pretend you never did that :p

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