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My sorry.


Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
This is to all the people I have either been a d**k to, hurt your feelings, or just been ignorant/ragey to.

I am a competitive person, and I play multiplayer games to try to win in, but the game is not just about winning. It's about having fun with friends. Getting new experiences. Have an opportunity to have loads of fun. I don't realize that when I am being killed by a guy and I am pissed, or being killed by a hacker, or dying of ghosting. What runs through my head is that I have wasted time playing, I have made my stats worse, and if someone sees this, they will think I am bad. Why should I care about an opinion? I bet I am better than them at many things, just not MCSG in this case. If I am wasting time, why am I playing it, and if my stats do get worse, I can get a new account (The disadvantage to this is that you have to pay, this annoys me.). I have tried to quit many times before, but I find myself stuck on what to do with my time other than play SG. I can keep myself entertained for about 2 hours, but being a lonely child with my mum out the house most of the time I pretty boring. Even though I have this computer infront of me, I have the addiction to play SG, and not do anything else. SG is like a drug to me. and I have kept playing it. There are no other good SG servers too. The Hive gets a 2/10 on community, 4/10 on manners, and 6/10 on Gameplay. And that's about it for competitive SG servers.

They are the reasons I get mad at people when I die. I feel like winning satisfies me, like it would do with anyone else. I have even cried over stress once...but that's another story. I also get mad at MCSG too.

My Skype Status: http://i.imgur.com/CxVRZ3Z.png

I do things like this to keep me satisfied and that I am right about it, but MCSG is an amazing server.

If you have been mistreat by me EVER. I. Am. Sorry.

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