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My Poetry: Love


Mar 17, 2013
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This is for a contest, which hasn't been entered in yet. So please give me advice I can work with >.> Shanks you peepz :3

Oh..and read the whole thing! Skippers these days.

When I was a child..I thought love was like a simple rose. It had no meaning, just a color that shines in the dark and cold night. It's something so enticing in which everyone wants. But I can't imagine why. So I grew up as any other lonely child. Alone in the dark room, for I always saw with my shallow eyes; girls and boys that show boldy what love meant. Love in which I will never get. So I knew why everyone wanted it. It wasn't just a simple kiss on the soft cheeks. It was something so great and powerful that bears it's own shield to guard it. No one can break love. But I really wondered..what if a ponderous rainbow climbs up the sky with me on it? Who will dare to walk upon it with me? Perhaps that one girl I always looked at? Shall the rose I hold uphigh, filled with color and beauty, find me love? Or will it fall for eternity in a void when she says she denies everything I had for her? Oh...the agony! When I faced my fears and told her what my soul felt. She denies, and moves on.

Therefore..I shed another tear. It rolled down my puzzled cheeks and fell like rain drops, growing with intensity every second of the way. But for once, the rose went high above me..it glared and fell upon my hands. As my tears began to shatter, the rose grew brighter and brighter. 'What is this madness?' I thought..then a girl walks in front of my eyes. Her beauty..just like a fantasy! She gave me a look, and smiled. She said once to me, 'I love you.' And my heart stopped as I said; 'Will you be mine forever?' She said yes. Thus, the rose flew away. Creating light for every dark path that continued to block my way.

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