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My Persistence, Reasons, and AMA!


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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Since 2012, I have played, flourished, endured, and entertained myself here in this community on off for two and half years. 2012 was the year, I was introduced with the concept of PVP game types on Minecraft by my friend Azorces. February of 2013, I joined the server called Hive. At Hive, I truly began to flourish in PVP, make friends on Minecraft (I had done this previously, but not since the end of 2011.), and was introduced with the concept of Clans. I met many people there, who I still love and respect today. I later switched to MCSG right before Summer of 2013 during that Summer I played MCSG all morning, afternoon, and night with my friends and clan. February - September will always be my most favorite at MCSG, because of the experience and the friends I had.

I then later quit. I ended up coming back on Thanksgiving Break, I kind of knew at the time, but I would start a new journey. I hosted Clan Wars Season 1 and 2. I was an Officer of Clan (I still have yet to decide, whether Insanity or Clan Wars was more stressful). Insanity was the last Clan dedicated all of my time and soul to. Season 2 of Clan Wars I worked really hard on only to have way more problems and mistake then I would have liked to have.

After Clan Wars, I tried to find a new home (Clan). I ended up finding one, but my past experiences had slowly guided me to a path of disloyalty and in-creativity on Minecraft. This would be my downfall for future Clan Wars and plans on MCSG.

MCSG has been apart of my life for nearly two and half years. It use to be the place, where I would go to escape the real world. I made friendships with people, who I will probably always remember for the rest of my life. I have had people help me confront issues in ‘IRL’ and on the internet some vary from Family to School and Losing to Leading. This is why I have so many problems letting go of MCSG.

There is apart of me that would love to do Clan Wars, but the other part of shows no dedicated or drive to get on the computer to play Minecraft, do Clan Wars and commit. I have more then enough time and expression to do, but for some reason myself will not allow myself to commit. During the summer, I played Minecraft literally twice! I have taken plenty of breaks from April to the present, but I think my time left on Minecraft is limited. I am a person who has had the game since Spring of 2011, so I have done my fair share of time playing this game.

Less then a month ago, I apologized to community for bailing on them twice for Season 3 of CW. I have done it once again, which I feel so bad for. Basically the reason for this post is to justify why I am not doing Clan Wars and to apologize. I am sorry to everyone, who was excited that I was back and believed Clan Wars was going to happen again.

The MCSG Staff for a long time has talked about hosting a tournament of their own for quite some time, and over the last year they have started to add more regulation to Clans. The US Clan Leaderboards also has many more possibilities for tournaments besides there one tournament. The Leaderboards is runned by some many great people, which I could see them making a very successful Clan Wars Tournament.

If is anyone is interested in hosting Clan Wars, I have a recommended Checklist for you.

    • Can deal with many Problems and Multitask!
    • Be very Honest and Open-minded!
    • Ability to Explain everything in the Kindest way!
    • Have Justifiable reasons and Evidence!
    • Work under Stress!
    • Know the Mess you have just Started!
If you have questions, you can AMA (Ask me anything) on this thread.

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