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My name is Palastros20


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hello i'm Palastros20, and this is my story. So I started Mcsg in the beta days. I couldn't win at all so I started to play single player. My dad had to do something for a website so he deleted java so I couldn't play anymore. About 7 months later my dad brought back Java and I could play again. I did not go straight back to Mcsg though. I waited and waited and finally my dad gave me my computer, and I was able to play without him having to get on. So I was talking to my friend Proffessorblonde, and he told me to come back. I've been here ever since. So I got back about 5 months ago, and I sucked at PvP. I would lose and lose, and finally I got to the point where I was about to quit. I got my first win on valleyside university. I went my old route (all tier 1), and waited until refill. I got the armor I needed, and crafted the diamond sword. Then I hid like a noob. Then I applied for mod, and again, and again, and again. I'm going to wait until I get active member. So bai.

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