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My Name Is Gingypoo, And Here Is My Story


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
So, you all probably already know this but my name is Ryan, better known as Gingypoo. This is most likely a surprise to most of you because none of you expected me to leave MCSG and minecraft all together. So while I have your attention, I would just like to tell my story.

Back in June of 2013, my friend, who also played MCSG, sold me his account because he was just burnt out of the game. That account was named Gingypoo. I played singleplayer most of the time, but eventually, I discovered MCSG and I became obsessed with it and I just played all summer. I met friends who I would talk to everyday and it ended up being a negative part of my life because I became very anti-social after a few months.

I tried to start being more social with my friends. We hung began to hang out every weekend. It helped alot, but I became that one awkward kid in the group who never talked. I didn’t really have anything I could relate or talk about with them. I only felt normal with my internet friends. I just dealt with it. I still hung out with my friends but it just didn’t work out to well.

This first time I felt like leaving the community was when my girlfriend and I broke up. As anyone would feel, it was very tough on me. I had one friend who would help me with the pain I was feeling, and she was an online friend. She became my best friend and I talked to her everyday. Again, this wasn’t a good thing for my irl social life. Eventually, my connections with irl friends withered away, and I was left with online friends. I didn’t talk to anyone at school, and I just lost the social skills I once had.

The second time I felt like leaving was after one of my closest irl friends left me for another group of people. She rekindled our friendship after a few months of me being silent. I only talked to her and I couldn’t thank her more for that. After she left, I didn’t have anyone else to talk to. I made a new best friend online soon after, and I swear that I loved her to pieces. We talked for hours everyday, and I would call her everyday after my shift at my job was over. I still remember how she would obsess over Huahwi. I told her all my stories and I she would listen no matter how stupid they were.

I lost contact with her recently because she met a new group of friends that I wasn’t really fond of. I didn’t talk to her much after that because I couldn’t ever get her alone like it used to be. On top of that, I was always working because the hours I was assigned sucked. I had to juggle school, SAT classes, my job, and minecraft all at once, and minecraft was the only thing that made sense to drop. This was pretty much the factor that made decide to leave the community.

Along with all these things, my motivation to play MCSG was going downhill. It was hard to win and it was the same exact thing every game. I got too bored of playing and I just sat in teamspeaks listening my friends talk. I tried to play more so that I wouldn’t feel like this, but playing MCSG wouldn’t fix my irl social issues.

So this is where it all ends for me. I’ve enjoyed my stay with MCSG and it’s definitely something I won’t ever forget. Thank you everyone that I have met and haven't met, even if you’re happy that I’m leaving. I wouldn’t be who I am without any of you, and I plan to change that.

Just some special thanks before I leave forever:

Lisa (lisniss) - Literally, you have made me so happy and I laugh every time we talked. Sorry that I’m leaving because now we can’t have all of our 9 kids. ;-; R.I.P. Mama Linda

Luna (PewPew011) - I can’t talk you enough for all the laughs we have shared. This past month, you have been the only reason I’ve stayed this much longer. I’ll miss hearing your voice with your vacuum in the background

Sam (Nacho115) - Yo man. I know it’s been a while since we talked, but I thought of you as one of my best friends. You were literally my favorite mod. It was a fun journey we had. I’m gonna miss you a bunch.

Dee (DeeRose7) - You have been there with me ever since I started to go downhill. I’m not gonna forget how we held each other up in our time of need. I know it’s been extremely rocky recently but just know that everyone makes mistakes and it’s not always a bad thing to change.

Slav (SlavTheRussian) - I know times are tough for you but don’t forget that it can only get better. I enjoyed the conversations we would have on teamspeak because we were the only ones that knew Russian and would mess with others. не забывай кто ты

Finally, I won’t say your name, but you know who you are. There is no way that I could forget you. You have been my best friend for the longest time and I enjoyed our little conversations that would last until 3 in the morning. Sorry that I stopped talking to you, but I just didn’t feel like I would ever bond with your friends. I love you from the moon and back. Thank you for everything.

This is the end

Thank you all for the amazing journey

I can't thank you all enough




Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go. I actually may or may not have seen you in games, but I think I have before.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in the future. :)


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
This makes me really sad and I hate to see you go, Ryan. :c I wish you nothing but luck in the future and I hope everything works out for the best.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
I didn't really know you but i know yana234 thought really highly of you.


Aug 7, 2014
Reaction score
I didn't know you for long but it's still sad seeing you leave :( Good luck in the future <3


Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
I'm crying, I still love you more than anything... We can talk anytime if you're not too busy, even though you usually are. ;-; But whenever you can, just call me wherever okay? Answer my texts, because this isn't goodbye you stupid buttcheek.


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
I've seen you around here and there, it's a shame that you're leaving. Good luck in your future! :)


Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
I don't really know you but it is still sad to see people leave the community. Hopefully, when you look back on all the memories you made on here you will remember only positive ones! Goodbye and good luck in your future!


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hopefully you can return once you deal with your irl issues. Good on you though for managing your priorities, it's hard to do sometimes.

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