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My minecraft story


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Well first off i wanna thank all the people who have helped me. I couldn't have been where i am now without you guys. There is too many people who have helped me. Second, The reason im writing this is about my minecraft story and me taking a break from minecraft. The reason for that is I have had too many people harassing me. Whatever they said hurt my feelings. Literally in every game people will say something like "Scrub" "Teamer"(What they dont know is 90% of my games are solo) "Just go quit minecraft you scrub" "Your bad kid" and many more. I dont wanna say names cause there are tons of people who hate me because i keep getting killed in Creeperfarts Top 5. When i posted the comment on the video, People that respects me alot will comment positive things and they are not even my friends. So here i am writing a Minecraft story because im quiting in 1 month and as long as possible away from Minecraft. If you see me in game or anything that's my little sister playing my account. She is 12 years old so please dont harass her. Harass me instead. So here we go.


Im pretty sure almost all of you came from the nexus. Nexus is pretty fun before MCSG became so popular. I started playing Nexus 12 months ago. When i first came into nexus, I was expecting to see BajanCanadian cause you know im an OG Bajan fan. But i never got to play or see him in a game. But you know the SG/ Minigames there are fun. In the SG i had a pretty horrible stats i must say i think it was 140/1210. But you know every game i play there was no hacker which is pretty good. I like the community there and so far i have never seen people calling me the "Names" mentioned above which is something i look forward to in MCSG and i dont think it will happen. But moving on, I played it alot like i have to play it every single day. I played it for like 5 months and thats about it for my story on the nexus.

Alright. This is the ONLY server i overplayed. Yeah im a noob back then and now. But honestly i dont care. Bad or good im just who i am and who i want to be and there is nothing you guys can do to stop it. But let's continue. Before i reseted my stats which is in August, I wasnt known like i am now. Yeah im known as a bad person. I was really good at SG when i first join MCSG. I learn strafing from the Nexus and brought the skill with me to MCSG. I think i win my games often then now. But you know now i suck so there is no need for me to play anymore ( Well i feel like not playing ). But when i reset my stats and one of my goals was to be at the top and tryhard everyday but you know i cant do that due to alot of pros in MCSG but you know its fine. Now i only win like 1 game every 25 games. Back then, I win 5 games every 17 games. My goal for MCSG is to be in top 100 but that failed. But that's pretty much it and i dont want to talk too much about MCSG cause i know alot of haters are gonna hate on me more by writing this but you know i dont care because they are gonna be happy without me around anymore. I have to quit me teaching people how to PvP. There is many things i have to quit when i leave minecraft. My dream is gone and thanks to the haters. I think thats it for me. This is goodbye.
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think you're that known, and I think you're exaggerating the comments you said.


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think you're that known, and I think you're exaggerating the comments you said.
Im not that well known but i am knowm to good players. Look at creeperfarts top 5 episode 8. Thats how i got known

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