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My Minecraft Story [1,000 Posts!]


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Here's a song that I really love. You should play it while reading this.

I've had an amazing time foruming on this network. And now, I have reached a major milestone: 1,000​
Wow, 1,000 is a big number. That's the weight (lbs) of an average male polar bear. It's the height (ft) of
the Jinping-I Dam in China. 1,000 is almost the size (sq mi) of Rhode Island, which is larger than 7 European countries. If I had a mirror 1,000 light years away, I could see about 10 seconds into the past, since light is finite.
You get the idea: 1,000 is a lot. So I'm going to write my biggest post yet. The topic? My Minecraft​
story. Where do I start... oh, right below this paragraph. I forgot. :)

One normal day about 3 years ago, I found an app called Minecraft: Pocket Edition Lite. Even with​
practically no features, I still had fun building small huts and overusing bricks. Zombies gave me a bit of a spook, but I grew used to them.
A week or two later, I convinced my parents to get the PC version of Minecraft. It was basically my first​
PC game that wasn't Internet-based, and I was excited.
I logged into Minecraft 1.2.5 on the account "Sontate72" and made a creative world. I didn't understand​
much, and it was mostly just random building. But I had fun.
Next, I made a survival world. I played the gamemode for months, working to perfect my house. I died​
several times, and only when I made a bed did I learn how to recover. (This world was on peaceful.) This is where I get my Minecraft nostalglia. Man, I miss those days.
1.2.5 forced me to update to 1.3 when it came out, and boy was I excited. I looked at the Mojang​
webpage to see what changed. This started my habit of checking every snapshot and update's features.
Time passed, nothing went very far. But I wasn't done yet.​

In fall 2012, 1.4 was out, and adventure maps like Herobrine's Mansion were booming. I started to get​
interested in many YouTubers, including Sky, Bajan, and some others I was mildly into.
Then one day at school, I was sitting by someone, and it turned out we both liked Minecraft. He became​
one of my best friends, and I soon became part of a "nerd group." But if we shared interests, I didn't care about being judged.
But there was one problem: I wasn't allowed to join servers. (I had actually secretly played on them for​
months, but my guilt overcame me.) But when I downloaded 1.4's server.exe, that didn't matter. It was January 2013 when I finally got my server working.
The server was amazing. Everyone was able to play at the same time, and the possibilities were endless.
For the next year of my life, friends would come onto "The Source" almost daily. The summer slowed​
things down, but I was still somewhat in contact via iMessage. (I didn't have Skype at the time. I eventually convinced my parents to do so.)
I started getting interested in the Minecraft Forums, and you can still see a Remnant of it. But I only got​
to 200 posts, and I soon left.
I got a new account, ElectrixMC, which is now named Electrix.
When 1.5 came, I started to get interested in redstone. Command blocks became my favorite block. I​
made games, made my server a survival with some awesome tweaks, and much more. I have mastered commands, but I have to look up datatags a lot.
So eventually one of my friends got a new PC, and he became a beast at PvP. He started playing MCSG​
as well. This was 2014's summer, I think.
Those months, I spent half my time outside, and half inside practicing PvP with him on my server.​
It got to the point where I had bukkit for fishing rods, a stick to repair all of your gear, and a very, very awesome arena.
But I had very few frames. With the server running, I was usually at 20. The only time I ever won a​
Walls was the time a friend placed TNT below my sky base, and he accidentally blew himself off his tower. He died, and one second later, I did too. Technically a win?
Despite framerate issues, I became a decent PvPer, and I could beat my friends if I used lots of strategy.​
FnS became my favorite weapon.
1.6 had no new challenges, and 1.7 just made me love the game more. I had used Better Sprint since 1.5,​
so getting used to a default sprint key wasn't hard. I no longer had a need to use the mod.
Then in July (my birthday's the 10th), I started getting interested in buying a computer of my own.​
Eventually, my dad half-bought an HP Pavilion, as I paid the rest. It's the computer I have now. My frames went up by 30-40 with Optifine. I was able to do more personal things, and I got some other games, including Quantum Conundrum and Portal 2.
Portal 2 was awesome. I had connected myself to the Aperture universe, so I loved it even more than I​
normally would. Besides, it was the first game I had with stunning graphics.
Soon enough, I was allowed onto servers. I went to MCSG and won like mad. I was a beast from​
training on my server, and I got around 10 of my wins in the first two weeks of playing MCSG.
I continued to advance, and I became interested in the forums. I knew how they worked, and boy,​
did I love talking about MCSG.
The forums are the reason I haven't quit from insane losing streaks. They're the reason I appreciate my​
parents. Some people in this community have made me happier than some of my real friends.
When 1.8 came out, my PvP dropped in quality. I was suddenly thrown into a world where most people​
don't know many 1.8 strats. I had to develop on my own, something I despise doing.
So that brings me to here. I am still relatively bad, and I haven't won an SG game in about 2 weeks. But​
where others would have left, I stayed, and that seems to have been the good decision.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

-Robert Frost (1874-1963)

So for these next 1,000 posts, I'm going to strive further. I'm going to try to make new friends. I'm​
going to apply for a clan. I'm going to spark joy, challenge people to debate with me, and stay true to myself.
I want to thank those have helped me get to this point, and those who have made me happy along the​
way. I'll list a few here.

SonicSplit - You were my first forum friend, and I had fun chatting with you. It's sad to see you go ;-;

Tuatara - Such a great forum poster, but you left as well. Your legacy will be remembered.

Mirkoz - You remain an amazing forumer to this day. Good luck on mod!

Miner9823 - Although I don't know you well, you astound me with how well you write. My English teacher would be proud. :)

Ceroria - One of the best mods out here. You are helpful, honest, and caring. I guess that makes you the opposite of Youtube comment section people. xD

Creepah - Your ideas are so thought-invoking and motivating. I hope you continue with this!

Scott - You're an amazing mod that deserves so much more. BTW, where did that Little Einsteins recording on OMN go? :)

Lemonz87 - You're pretty cool, and Par 72 is my favorite map! I hope you continue to build amazing things!

The Staff - Thank you all for helping me with most everything. You make me proud to be in this community.

The Devs - You do so much work so fast. Now that's some impressive dedication.

The Forums Community - You guys are role models for the ingame community. Continue to make goals, debate, discuss, love, and more!



Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats! I remember my 1000th post. Damn I think that was over a year ago now... Anyways, hope for another 1000 soon!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
What a read! Congrats on this great milestone and thanks for the kind words <3

I feel your pain on the losing streaks. I lost 90% of my previously-held advantages once the sprint key came out, and it's still been hard for me to adapt. I miss double tapping :(


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
It's ok, I have the worst stats of any semi-active player.
Congrats on 1K posts, read every awesome word!


Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
cheat codes wasn't very good, nitro fun has made better songs like turbo penguin.

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