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My MCSG Story


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
So, I'm currently on a 10 hour car ride, so this is really just a way to pass the time.

It all started mid June of last 2012. I had the urge to play survival games for the same reason as many people, I had recently watched a video on it from NoochM, whom I don't really keep up with anymore. Anyways, I searched around and found these 120 player servers, in which you mined and crafted your own resources, armor, and equipment. I played around 15 games of this, and finally found that these servers were filled with X-Ray users, Nodus users, and hackers in general. I eventually got pretty sick of it, and searched around for actual SG servers, where you find chests and scavenge for your equipment and food. This, of course, led to finding MCSG.

I didn't actually play my first games of MCSG until around early July. I started out as most noobs do, losing almost every game I played. I went on vacation later in July, and spent the time I had there finding out about MCSG. Learning strategies, chest routes, PvP tactics, etc. I eventually found an SG2 chest route on the forums by Bigmike4life, whom was #1 on the leaderboards at the time. This route led me up to getting most of my wins, up until I found a decent chest route on SG1, which I formed myself. (SG1 and SG2 were the only maps on the servers at this time). When I returned from my vacation, SG3 was released. This was around late July. I wasn't a big fan of this map, mostly because I lost almost all of my games on it because of the lack of a decent chest route.

It wasn't until someone by the name of @SixZoSeven joined my game one day did my MCSG career get interesting. After Six joined this game, a lot of well-known people at the time joined after him. And because Six and @Blamph were competing for the #1 spot on the leaderboards, Blamph joined the game soon after. (This was before Blamph started Youtubing, and was only known for his #1 position). I thought it was pretty interesting, as I knew both of them as being well known players in the community. I died early on in this game, as I was still a pretty nooby player. I decided to stay and watch. They rejoined the lobby quite a few times, and I stayed and watched all of the games.

Eventually, in early August if I remember correctly, Six overtook Blamph for the #1 spot on the leaderboards. It wasn't long after that until Blamph created one of the most notorious clans to date, The Blamphs. I applied for them, however I don't remember if I was ever considered an actual member or not. Nonetheless, I still played and talked with a lot of the members, and was part of plenty of the CyanVolts gangbangs. Eventually, Blamph started college and handed over his clan to Zeejayy, who is now @Rivalize . He named the new clan Infinitive, and I know for sure I was part of this one. Around the same time, @Zeno created what is now considered one of the best clans of all time, The Rebels. The only reason I remember this is because Zeejayy copied the entire Rebels thread format and made it Infinitives. Kyle didn't keep Infinitive for long, and eventually handed the clan over to Sixzoseven. Six's clan never had an actual name, but nonetheless, I applied and was accepted.

A few days after I was accepted into Six's team, I had a lot of personal things happen, and quit MCSG and SG in general for the next 8 months.

I eventually checked out the MCSG forums in early April. I checked a lot of my old clan mates profiles, and Zeejayy had switched to the name "Rivalize" and Six had quit MCSG in general. If I remember correctly, I think he switched to the Hive. The Hive. I had heard a lot about this "Hive" thing and spent a couple days trying to find out what it was. MCSGv2 had also recently been released, so I was pretty confused on what the Hive was. Eventually, I found Blamph's now well-known Youtube channel, and watched a video on it. I found that it was a new set of servers ran by Vareide and Clankstar, 2 of the old high-ranked staff members that held their administrator and developer positions when I actively played MCSG. I also found that many of the people I used to play with had switched to there.

On April 14th, 2013, I made a Hive fourm account. I found Rivalize, Six, and Blamph playing on these servers actively. So, I bought donor and began to get back into SG. I never caught up with Six or Blamph, however I began to talk to Rivalize, but that's later on.

When I had about 5 Hive wins, Bigmike4life, who was known as Vorgs on the Hive, OMGjustin, and a few others joined my game. There were about 5 people, who I found were teamed. After I died in that game, I went to look at the Clans section on the Hive forums. I eventually found Flawless Inc, which was a clan run by Vorgs and Justin. This has some significance later on.

A couple days later, I joined a game with @GoryGator and JustAMelon. These two guys ran the #2 clan on the Hive at the time, Oblivion. After I played a couple games with them, I decided to go apply for Oblivion. I had a lot of great times in this clan, and made a lot of friends like @Kranzo @techaton @FuzzyPB @GoryGator and @Cryptic_Gamer . Not long after I joined Oblivion, Flawless Inc. disbanded, and an MCSG version of Oblivion was made by @Macobeast . I still played Hive at the time, so I wasn't a big part of this group of people just yet. MCSG Oblivion took part in the first Clan Wars, but was eliminated by The Legends in the 2nd or 3rd round. Both the MCSG Oblivion and the Hive Oblivion disbanded not long after this.

I was in the old Oblivion Teamspeak playing a game with @techaton and @Cryptic_Gamer in early July. GoryGator joined the channel and told me to join the Primeval Teampeak, as they were having a 2v2 tournament on the Primeval server. It was here that I made the best group of friends I've had on MCSG thus far. I met a lot of awesome people like @Macobeast @Eborec @Fearzon @ImNotAFK13 @Hiqhlights @Math_Magician @xSwagGiraffe etc.

I had a lot of good times in Primeval, and in my opinion, they were one of the best MCSG clans to ever exist. Anyways, Clan Wars Season 2 was coming up, and Primeval advanced to the semi-finals against Forgotten after a victory against Brotherhood. I recall all of our members being extremely enthusiastic about this battle, and the entire clan got pretty involved with the practices which lasted almost all day. They didn't help too much, as Primeval was eliminated in the semi-finals.

This lead to quite a bit of drama, and Primeval was disbanded because of a huge misunderstanding that I won't go into, for a short time. Hiqhlights eventually restarted the clan and everyone rejoined. Soon after this, @Zeno started a clan called The Titans, which still exists, and I don't see it going anywhere for a while. Anyways, Maco, Eborec and I left Primeval for this clan. We didn't stay in it too long, as the faction server was eventually released, and a lot of Titans members played with Primeval here.

The factions server is a pretty big highlight, as some of the most competitive battles I've been a part of this far happened here. The 2 largest factions, Havoc and Forgotten, had some pretty intense rivalry going on which led to a lot of drama within Havoc, as for Forgotten i'm not sure.

As for Primeval, Hiqhlights left the clan after quite a while of inactivity, and I created the new thread. I didn't expect the clan to last much longer, as I had seen a lot of clans from the Hive, Including Oblivion and Flawless, try to undergo this transition, and it never ended well. Primeval lasted for a bit longer, and after one last awesome battle with Forgotten, I decided to disband this amazing clan.

Everyone went their seperate ways, and I'm now not nearly as active on MCSG than I was when Primeval existed.

Anyways, writing this passed a good hour or so.
Last edited:


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
On April 14th, 2013, I made a Hive fourm account. I found Rivalize, Six, and Blamph playing on these servers actively. So, I bought donor and began to get back into SG. I never caught up with Six or Blamph, however I began to talk to Rivalize, but that's later on.
That's my birthday :) good story as well.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
;( Primeval4Lyfe. Remember dave leading us to that raid xD goodnight moon by bic

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