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My MCSG Story!


Dec 29, 2012
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Hello Guys, this is overthetop24 bringing you my MCSG story! Let's get started!
August; In late august, I was playing ps3 until one day it broke. I was devistated seeing as I no-lifed MW3, MW2, and Uncharted 3. I saw my little brother playing minecraft, it looked fun so I asked if I could play. (I didn't have my own:p) He said, "Yes." Which made me addicted to it, I was so withdrawn in survival that I beat it 3 times in a row, taking different strategies every time. Momentarilly I got bored and Started looking for Minecraft Survival Games servers.
September; In the beginning of September I found a server called MCPVP, alot of people play it today, but it never proved my loyalty and understanding of survival games, to me It didn't have a survival games feel to it. Then I found MCSG, but I was playing on a friends acc ount that he gave to me, GMaser01. When I found MCSG I never thought I would like it, then I noticed that they took track of all the wins of Players like the real survival games! I looked at the server list and the first one I saw was "eu3.mcsg.in." I joined it considering there were not as many Donor's as there are today. I didn't know nothing about the server, considering the rules, players, etc. Everyone was saying, "Do /v 2" I did it and not knowing, but playing the map that I once now hated, soon to be loved by every player. I was teleported on to a pedestal, feeling my adrenaline rush, I was determinged to do good, as the timer hit 1 I started walking for corn! I didn't know how to sprint at the time. I was still able to open a chest, but sadly, my very first game on mcsg I died by walking into a lava trap! I was severly frozen, but then I started to play again getting better and better. There were only 3 maps when I started to play, sg1, sg2, and sg3. The very next day survival games 4 was added. Seeing survival games 4 was added, it was the most overplayed map, that and sg1 at the point. (Before Breeze Came. -.-) I was mainly wanting to play sg1, then in one server I met a friend that would change the game for ever for me, xXBomber37Xx. Back then he was a noob and asked me to team, I felt bad whenever I said no, so I agreed and we played. I was better then him at the points, but I let him win.
October; In october I was playing breeze adn sg4 the most, loving Breeze at the time. (I was crazy) And I met JDC720. I gave him his first win to. I loved playing with him. Then one day when I thought I have forever lost Bombers, he came in a server with over 2000 points! Back then having 2000 points was beast. At first I didn't know it but then I figured it out. He was at over 50 wins! I only had 10! He inspired me to get better, of course with other motivations who I teamed with 1 time. The_Great_Tito considered to be a legend at the time, everyone was nagging him to team and such, I asked to truce and suprisingly he said yes! I died early on and never got to see the legend again.
Over the next few months I didn't do much, so I'm not going to explain it. Then In December, I got a computer and a new minecraft account! I was on a server and someone bountied 1337 points on someone, I killed him and It was my very first time donating. I donated 10$ To be and iron donor and That was my first game with it. I met some other people along the way, MrBlocksterMan, Psyonic123, and iamamazing. I still play with Mrblock and Psyonic, but I don't think iamamzing like me anymore. :'( Then in April I got my 100th win! But also, my first ban. D: I got banned for supposedly using FF/AIMBOT. Which I didn't even have optifine at the time nor a texture pack... I got banned for 1 hour. And as far as I know, there was no evidence. Then I met sosilly99 and Catie1890, they were very good friends that I still team with today. Then leading up to today. I didn't explain more then what I thought was important, so I skipped 4 months. Otherwise this would be too long. This was typed on my ipod and I had to rush. So this is my MCSG story, have fun!

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