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My MCSG Story So Far.

Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
It all started around 7 months ago. On a Pakard Bell Laptop running Minecraft with 5-10 fps.
I must of played around 1100 games on this laptop only winning around 25.

One day i was in a game on Teweran Survival Games 2 and i guy asked me if i wanted to join his clan, i wasn't entirely sure about clans at this stage but i said yes and added him on skype. This clan was called #TheWarriors, wasn't a very good clan as i got in it with only 25 wins, but i was happy i was in a clan.
After a while of playing with bad fps i finally came to buying a gaming computer, which i still have today.
My skill level begun to increase because i was able to play without lag. But i left #TheWarriors around 2 weeks before i got it because i fell out with the owner who wasn't the nicest guy ever.

I continued to play more solo than anything and eventually got to 99 wins. I recorded my 100th win on Demons Breeze with the owner of #TheWarriors. After another 3 weeks i hit 200 wins and realised my skill level was increasing. But i left #TheWarriors around 2 weeks after because i fell out with the owner who wasn't the nicest guy ever.

I watched a guy on youtube called DemotedButStillHere aka xJayJay96, and he was explaining in a video how he had a clan and you needed 200 wins to get in. This clan was called TeamReborn before to be known as the death angels. Anyway i was in this clan for a while and met a guy named Ginger__Nutt, who i then realised lived around 10 minutes away and i has spoke i him irl before. Now Ginger__Nutt is my closest MCSG Friend who i talk to a lot. After a while in the clan there were issues with some other members against me and Ginger__Nutt (Matt). So we both left. We both then applied for #TheLegends which at the time i didn't realise who was in there, and didn't understand much about the community, i got accepted for testing but Matt didn't. I then succeeded in my testing and got accepted, this is where i begun to play more.
I then got closer to players like Elgoldo, NoahSailer, Zedek_VibeZ Fisherr etc. It felt like family there <3
Matt then applied for mod and got accepted so congrats to him for that xD

Around a month after of me being in #TheLegends they took a pause, but we dint know if Legends would actually ever unpause as a clan. I was upset about This pause because #TheLegends are like family and i love all the members (No Homo). But i didn't like not being in a clan and xJayJay96 asked me to join back the clan, but it was now names #Sempiternal but the main member that i had most conflict with was no longer in the clan so i decided to rejoin.

But maybe around a week after Legends un paused so i left Sempiternal and joined back #TheLegends.
I am still friend with members of #Sempiternal which is good, but #TheLegends is where i belong.

And up to this day as i am writing this i am in the mid 200's on the Leaderboards and i am continuing to progress on my skill level and my positioning on the leaderboards. Im loving MCSG so far and will continue on playing and staying involved in the community.

So this is my MCSG Story so far.

Thank you for reading it i guess, and thanks to my friends that have shared my experience with me, Love you guys <3


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
First. Now lets read :3

Edit: Nice story.

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