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My MCSG Story - lucas_rag

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Feb 8, 2013
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Greetings tributes,

Now I know I have already made one of these. I did not like the quality of it at all. Unfortunately, some bugs are going around, and I can't make it pretty with color :(. SO here goes:

Once upon a time, long long ago I hated Minecraft. I had gotten it and thought it was RIDICULOUS! I ended up just giving it to my little brother. Now this was in August of 2012. He played if for 3 months, and finally decided to get his own account. About 3 weeks goes by, and I see a featured video on Minecraft Survival Games! I thought it was the coolest thing I had seen in a while! I decided to look up some servers

It was when I was looking up servers, I found MCSG. I found it quite difficult, nearly impossible, to get into a game. I quickly got bored of MCSG and looked for other servers. It was then I found SippieCraft. God, how I loved that small server! I played for hours and hours on end for about a month. It is about early January now. SippieCraft unfortunately, shut down. It was then I looked back into MCSG. I started learning how to get on servers easier, which made it more fun. I then started to play with someone named, TrollaCake. We played for quite a long time, about a month, and I started honing in my PVP skills.

I had about 200 wins, and then BAM my computer decides to break! It took it about 2 months to get fixed! After that, I got back on MCSG, just to find all my stats had been reset on MCSG v2! I don't know if this was a bug or not. I started playing with someone I met name @The_green_lu And god, we had a lot of fun. We would always make it to Dmatch, and he would usually kill me! I started getting REALLY Good at PVP. It was then I went on vacation with some friends for a week, and for some reason my little brother no-lifed on my account, played about 500-550 games of MCSG and lost ALL OF THEM! I got really angry because it made my stats look like crap. I went on playing, a lot less though, and only played about 25 games in 3 months.

It is July now, and I decided to get into MCSG again. I decided to start getting more active on the forums. I looked into clans and teams, and had quite a bit of fun with that. I played with a clan for about a month, the month of July, and decided I didn't want to be in the clan anymore. I started going on TS, where I made a variety of friends Forger, Yamaha51 JtCrossan MrWaffles Jess MNGLogan, theman, purge_hawk, and professorretro. It is great fun. Sorry if I didn't mention you. I started looking into build teams, and found a great build team, Team Xonia. I started working on the map, and we are now almost finished with the map called Deception Valley. It is a great map that will hopefully be added to MCSG! I applied for a moderator application, and got denied because I am 13. I applied for an age exception, got accepted, and then denied in the next phase because I wasn't active enough in the community forums and survival games discussions. I then started to get into the community more, which is where we are right now. I currently have a you tuber tournament going on, and have posted many threads. I realized how much fun it is to do this type of thing. I am now playing MCSG, and chilling on the forums on a daily basis. I hope you guys enjoyed my MCSG Story! Make sure to give me your feedback and leave a like!

- lucas_rag

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