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My MCSG Story! :) - Fran/MrGrubi


Jan 15, 2013
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Hello MCSG community!

My story begins in the V1 of MCSG. I was first introduced to it by YouTube videos and my other friends. I wasn't really known or had any sort of "skill". Sadly, I really liked the game but never had anyone to play with. All until one day I got friendly with a person in my school who I've never really talked to before. xxsparky . <3
He and I used to play all day every day. Those were the good days. But, all good things come to an end. I was slowly beginning to quit Minecraft in general because all my friends at school said that it was a bad "blocky" pixel game and that I should play Call of Duty with them instead, and so I did. I had a break of MCSG for about two months. When I came back a brand new version of my favorite servers MCSG was out! It was a new hub, new point system and new maps! I was extremely excited and instantly went to call my friend and ask him if he wanted to play. Unluckily, he was away on vacation, or was I unlucky?

Since my friend left I needed to find someone I could play with. I didn't know anyone other then my friend, so I decided to join the MCSG TeamSpeak, I sorta knew what TeamSpeak was but didn't quite know how to use it :(. So that was kind of difficult at the time. Seeking for help I asked the people in the lobby. "Anyone want to team on skype?". Then the person with golden letters and a very bad name (xD) said that he would like to join me with his friend. Builda_Br3tt. Little did I know that this person was going to change my MCSG ways forever.

As I talked to Brett on skype I met all of his friends and members of his current clan #Vortex. I was not quite sure what clans are and what they are ment for until they asked me to be part of a clan war. They explained it to me and I didn't do well. :( I was quite clueless. The clan was a failure at the time and quickly disbanded, and so did my "friendship" with Brett.

A few weeks later I was playing by myself on the brand new maps. Of course, once again, friendless. :(
Thats when I saw a person of the name Zimply join the server, he had a red name and I looked up to him as an important individual and I asked him to team with me. He weirdly enough accepted and he was teamed with another person. She was a very nice person and kind of helped me out with the game. Her and I became very friendly and started hanging out. She was the person that kind of introduced me to TeamSpeak. We became more then friends but that shortly ended since we didn't know eachother in real life. :( If you are reading this, thank you.

As I was introduced to TeamSpeak I started talking to GuyK . He was my "jokes" buddy and we used to share jokes with eachother for hours. Laughs :)
After our conversation I looked him up on the forum and amazingly enough saw that he was a member of "Reborn", another Clan in MCSG. To my surprise I saw my old time friend in there. Brett! I quickly applied and mentioned that I had friends in the clan. I was accepted! :)

There I met many people who really helped me out, and most of them got really friendly. The clan had some inner drama which I wont discuss here and it doesn't really matter. The only important thing is that the whole drama ended up with my friend Brett leaving the clan with my other friend, RetrosMC. They were my two MCSG buddies! :)

Brett told me that he made a new clan called #Cryptic. I asked him if I could apply and he said that he would like that. :) I applied and got a normal member rank as any other applicant. Throughout #Cryptic I got more and more friendly with Brett and RetrosMC. I was promoted to a staff member and slowly enough to Co-owner. The clan was very fun and we had a blast in clan wars and in-game, but as I said things come to an end.

My friend RetrosMC left the clan, and as he was the owner with Brett we decided to disband. I remember it being a very depressing day on TeamSpeak, we removed all the ranks and just began to talk about random things, until Brett joined our channel and said "Fran, look at my picture on TS", I looked at his name and saw a huge banned "HellFire MCSG". I instantly knew what it was! I was so excited and asked many questions. Brett asked me if I would help him lead the clan as the co-owner. I of course accepted. Many people from our old clan joined us, and many left. We were not that famous/popular until we fought the main clan on MCSG. #Legends. We were all extremely scared. To our luck we won the game. It really taunted the MCSG community and got us many good memebers.

Things were good, until a few weeks back I was permanently banned for "false evidence". I am not sure what to do with my friends and my clan, but I will try to get things to work out. All I hope is that I don't go back to where I was in V1. :(

Thank you for reading my story.

Special thanks to my buddy Brett <3 Love you man :) Nohomo

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