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Staff My MCSG Story- FancyPantsMC


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
It was a cloudy Wednesday, in the summer of 83'... Oh wait. Wrong story. Let's try that again.

It was August. Summer is starting to an end, and I begin to get bored, looking for things to do, I could not do much, because I had a broken wrist (Baseball Injury). I was home alone, watching some dance mom's probably, texting my friend. He texted me, telling me about how the new hunger games movie was coming out soon, and they just released a trailer. I read all the books (This was when they were more popular than they are now) and got really pumped, thinking that the movie I'll be great, since the books were. I immediately searched up the trailer on some website called YouTube, that I rarely ever went on, or knew much about. The trailer came up, and I watched it. After it was over, I saw another video called "Minecraft Hunger Games" by PauseUnPause. I clicked on it, just out of curiosity to know what it was. I thought before I played the video "Wait. Am I actually watching a Minecraft video right now? Wtf am I doing?! Minecraft is stupid!" Well. Not much else to do. I looked over my shoulder, making sure no one was around to see me watching it, and pressed play.

The video ended about an hour later. I was fascinated by what the game was, and how many options you had on what to do. The video really "tickled my fancy", and I could not believe it! But Minecraft was so disgusting, and old, I thought (Sorta like the unphotoshopped Kardaahians). I then searched for more minecraft hunger games, and that's where I saw him. The one that dragged me in. The one that brought me here today. The one, BajanCanadian. His videos were so amusing, and I really enjoyed watching him. I watched him, and JeromeASF for about a month and a half, back to back. Until October 20th, 2013.

Fancypants6000 was brought into the pixelated world, and happy little scrub-nub, knowing nothing of the game. Before I went and did survival, or anything, I searched up on Google "minecraft hunger games servers" and there MCSG was. us.mcgamer.net I typed into the box, and it began. I was a natural! I got my first diamond sword about 1000000000 games in, and my first win after about, well, a long time. I played nothing else for a while, and I loved it. Then, I saw another server, a beautiful one, that was a metric butt ton easier, and required little effort. I played on Bajans server for quite some time. That is where I really improved my skill, and met a lot of friends that I still know now, but it did not last. I was then ready to migrate back to mcsg, and this time, for good, I brought my newly found skill, and began learning to rod, FnS, and hotkey. MCSG is where I stay to this very day, and to this very day, I have never even gotten to build a nether portal, in regular survival mode, and I have never beaten it.

Write your stories below!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
"Almost as disgusting as the unphotoshopped Kardashians." I laughed way too hard at that xD

Anyway I'll share some stories when I've got more time c:


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
I'll just remember you as the guy who doesn't know how to sing Fancy by Iggy Azalea :p
No offence :p I'll teach you how to do it babe <3


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Haha so cool. Have you ever played on a survival server? Or played creative mode? I must say I'm a bit like you.

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