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My MCSG Story-DonutDudeMC


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hello fellow MCSG players. Most of you probably recognize me as DonutDudeMC. Others may recognize me as Andy. I am just going to hop straight into my MCSG story from the beginning. (Be advised this is going to be a VERY lengthy post.​
This all began back in March of 2013. It begins on a server called The Fridge. I had been playing on this server for a while now and had ran into someone who has turned out to be one of my best friends today,Ninetailefox92. I was just playing a game and saw him in the lobby. At the time he had a Map Maker rank and I looked up to him for it. After running into him a few times I messaged him and asked if he would like to add me on skype and possibly hang out and play a couple of games sometime. So he did and after a while of chatting with him I decided to see if I could apply for his build team. He encouraged me to do so and I did. I was accepted for trial build and was very excited.
Later as I finished my trial I was declined, (because it was pretty crappy xD) but this didn't stop me. The same guidelines for Red Forest are still around today and I was to wait 2 weeks to re-trial. Though I was declined the first time I did not stop trying. I saw this as an opportunity to do something big and I could do something meaningful. I wanted to be someone. I didn't want to be a person who wasted there time going no where with video games. I wanted to be the type of person that makes the game what it is. When my second trial had came around I had successfully met the requirements of the team and was accepted. At that moment I was so excited for my future. I did my best to hop on and do everything that needed to be done(at the time we were working on Icarus) and I would ask anyone for work to be done. I would do my best to help with the tedious tasks to show that I cared. I was very happy when the map was finished because I knew that I helped make something for other people's enjoyment. After this I had become very inactive. I had just become depressed and lost inspiration to do much. I was inactive for about 1 1/2 months and didn't see a point to do anything.
An old SMP server that I played on kicked me off and they were really the only ones I had talked to. For a while I wondered what I was going to do with myself and then realized that I still had Red Forest. I decided to check the forums to see my rank on the team. I was rank 12 (the lowest) for being inactive so long. Seeing that inspired me to fix it. I decided to hop on everyday asking what I could do to help. I didn't even care how hard it would be I would try. One night while doing this I saw to members on and they asked if I would join them to play MCSG. I had only played it once before and just decided to join them. This decision had to have been the best in my life. I immediately fell in love with the servers and decided within the first hour to purchase Iron Donor. A few days later I hopped on the build server and noticed no one was talking. I asked if they were on teamspeak and they said yes. I hopped on and scrolled down to a little custom channel with the name Red Forest. I poked Tree and he had moved me down. After a while of building we decided to hop on MCSG and play some games. This is really when I got to know the members of the team. I am so glad this happened because all before it was just in game chat and doing tasks. Now it had turned into something so much greater. For a while it was all the same stuff until about a month and a half ago. This is when I had gained inspiration to build. I saw it as a hobby now, not just a bunch of tasks to make my mark. I see the team as my best friends and I will never forget that.
Now here I am today. A VIP on the MCSG servers. This is all because of the work that I have put in for the maps and the fact that the amazing owners of Red Forest decided to keep me around for as long as they have. I am honestly one of the happiest people in the world knowing that I helped make a difference in people's lives and the MCSG community. I truly never ever expected to become what I am today. This is really one of the most memorable things in my life and I am so grateful to be given an opportunity like this to be someone. Thank you to all who have supported me throughout this journey.
I would of course like to give my thank you to these special people:

You guys are all some of the best people I have ever met. Without your guys' kindness and support I don't know what I would be doing with my life. Thank you all so much.

That's the end of my MCSG story guys. It took me a while to go through this. I got quite emotional at some points. Thank you to all who have read this through.


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
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(Too late in the night for me to read long stories, I'll read this tommorow!)


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
There is not a normal ranked person on that userlist. Red Forest's goal to make everyone either a moderator or VIP on the team is working splendidly.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
All da hearts! Also, it's funny to see you of all people be depressed. Huh.

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