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My MCSG story :D


Mar 24, 2013
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Ok here is my MCSG story because im bored and I have nothing else to do.

It started in early March of 2013 I was a HUGE BajanCanadian fanboy and I wanted to play on the hungergames server he used to play on... so I did my research and found out that he used to play on MCSG. But then I found out he was banned but I still wanted to play here so I stayed, I would only play on one server and that was us12.
My first game was terrible I sucked hardcore nutz but then as if it happened over night something clicked, and before I knew it I was getting win after win. Slowly but surely I was getting better and better then what I called the "GG Zone" happened to me (I made that name myself ;p) and I was climbing win-wise before I knew it I had 20,30,50 wins! I was on fire I couldn't believe it and now I am now what I call myself "Da knight KING!" And yes I know a lot of people are better than me but I don't care I am the best knight there ever was!

So ya theres my MCSG story hope ULiek it! ;D

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