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My MCSG Story and Farewell.


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
I've been a part of this community and minecraft overall for about 9 or 10 months now and this is where it ends for me. First I will start of with my MCSG story, then I will move on to my thanks to friends. So it all started out in around November when the old SG server I used to play on got hacked and shut down. I had a fair amount of PvP experience from it so I decided I wanted to play more. I tried out these servers and found out one of my IRL friends 1999rocks or Jason had already been playing this. We would Skype and talk for hours after hours playing these games. We were both at around 30 wins but then began skyrocketing. A week after that I reached around 120 wins while 1999 reached 100. We played a little bit more throughout January then we both took a week or so break. During this time due to our previous play on PvP servers we would get accused of hacks a fair amount we just got over it though. Around February we decided we should try and join a clan so I browsed the forums and found the Rebels page. I applied when there was 1 spot left and someone else was chosen. I didn't give up though. I reapplied and that time I got in, soon after that 1999 got in. We thought everything was going smooth then school began to get more time consuming and me and him weren't able to play as much. We started drifting apart and eventually I met my great friend Psbounty or Brandon. We would play together a whole lot and had a lot of fun. Around March 30th, there was trouble in the Rebels. Zeno decided he didn't want the stress of managing the clan without being actual leader so he decided to quit, many followed him. At this time Soul Tironas and Cheedos all created the Forgotten US Clan. I thought long and hard about joining the forgotten or staying with the Rebels but I eventually joined the Forgotten because most of my friends were there and the Rebels didn't feel the same for me. I played with Forgotten a lot and eventually got Number 1 Elite. I know it shouldn't have mattered but I was pretty happy about it. In around June and July, that was my prime. I was considered by around 50% of the US community as one of the Top 5 PvPers. I was pretty happy with the success I was achieving. Around August I started to become bored of MCSG and quit to play other things which became boring fast. I came to the conclusion I should just quit Minecraft. I have followed through and quit. I enjoy playing Xbox with friends and mainly just hanging with friends all the time. I will miss most of you but this is the end. Time to thank the friends I've met.

1999rocks: We may not be friends now but I remember the good old days. Wish you luck on MC.

@Xxpsbounty567xX : I will miss playing with you. You were the first non IRL friend I've played with. You were a great friend.

@Zeno : Although at first we weren't friends, we've bonded over time. Stay strong and I'll miss you.

To all the Rebels : You guys are all awesome keep doing well.

@Soul : I know you don't like me very much now that I'm not in Forgotten and don't listen to you anymore but thank you for being a great leader. I will miss you.

@Tironas11 : We used to be best friends during the beginning of Forgotten. I know you don't like me anymore but oh well. All things happen for a reason I guess.

@BomBashious : Fakin Inappropriate body part on a male. We make fun of each other all the time but I still think you are a good pvper and a cool guy.

@supermaddy12 : We just met really recently but I really enjoyed talking to you. Good luck!

@Branbob83 (maybe?) : You were a great leader of the Rebels and a great friend.

@MahxiXBL : My EU bud. We had so many good times together see you around.

@xExtract : My british friend. You were a good person and for the most part always nice to me.

If I missed anyone let me know and I will add you in. Farewell everyone.


Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sorry to see you go man... Good luck in life!
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Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Though we've only played together a few times, you seem like a great person and PvPer. I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors.
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Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Nitro... I am pretty sure you got me into FGT and I can never pay you back, sad to see a buddy go.


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
no nitro </3 y u have to leave! good luck with life sad to see ya go bud


Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I don't like it when people say "I is sadded" when you didn't even know him, and saying "First" on a goodbye thread? That's low.

Anyways, goodbye Nitro, you were an amazing PvP'er and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
I was using it because in words I couldn't cover his PVP skill :\ And I notice the First is low, I didn't think before saying, therefore I shall delete that now, I apologise if I was Low as hell, sorry and Sorry @Nitro_Elite


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
I was using it because in words I couldn't cover his PVP skill :\ And I notice the First is low, I didn't think before saying, therefore I shall delete that now, I apologise if I was Low as hell, sorry and Sorry @Nitro_Elite
Haha Its no problem man don't sweat it.

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